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GotoJSE - Geometric Galaxy Blog
11th February 2023

Our intrepid space triangle voyages into a wonderful galaxy of geometry.
You can Play Geometric Galaxy in GotoJSE, or over at


View on YouTube


- Turn
- Thrust
- Shoot

What I Didn't Do

I didn't add any baddies. I felt the game was difficult enough, especially when the shapes overlap and the "maze" gets a bit crazy.
I could probably have added more asteroids and things had I coded the game in Browsercade, but GotoJSE meant I had to keep things as minimal as possible.
Even so, it's a lovely looking game, and hopefully it plays as well as it looks.


Some days when I start a new AGameAWeek, the ideas are mostly formed in my head. Other times, however, the result is as much as a surprise to me as it is to anyone else.

This week, I started with the game titled "Greedy Goblin" in my head, and tried to make some sort of card game, where any Goblin cards would end up reducing from your overall score. Obviously, this game is nothing like that, so what happened?!

Well, honestly, I just couldn't come up with a decent card game concept that would work, but that also didn't end up feeling like either Chase the Ace, or Poker. No matter how hard I tried (over the course of my tight AGameAWeek schedule), I just couldn't find a unique gameplay style that would work.

Instead then, I opened up and started flicking through for other words beginning with G, which is where the words Geometry and Galaxy got stuck in my head. A few hours later and the basics of this game were entirely playable. Over the next day or so I tweaked the ship's physics, added bullets and asteroids, and then realised that each of the shapes could have its own weapon.

Really, this game leaped together in ways that I had no control over, and sometimes that makes for the best sort of AGameAWeek.

I hope you enjoy it.
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Blog - GotoJSE - Geometric Galaxy - AGameAWeek