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Coming Soon to Windows Phone, Maybe! Blog
24th August 2014
A few months ago, I bought myself a new camera. Well, actually it's a Phone, but since I never phone anyone, and all my communication is via the internet, and I never actually go anywhere, the "phone" part of the phone is pretty much going unused.
I bought the Lumia 1020 as a camera, because it has a wonderfully large 41 megapixel sensor, and a staggeringly good Optical Stabilisation lens. Since my whole "brain tumour!" thing, I've had incredibly shaky hands, and being able to take crisp clear photos without needing to put the camera onto a stable surface first, is a godsend!

But why choose a phone, and not a camera?
Well, two reasons.
First, I don't really like lugging a camera around. Since the world of camera-phones has emerged, the possibility of a little thin camera in my pocket is a great thing.
Even a "Pocket" camera is a great big thick chunky thing, which would never fit in my Jeans pocket. A phone does. And does well.
Having an actual pocket camera, which actually fits in my pocket, and actually takes great pictures? Yeay!

The other reason was Windows Mobile.
Monkey, my current choice of language, allows you to target MANY different devices, and Windows Mobile is one of them.
I know how to build for iOS, and Android, and figured it was probably about time to try out WinMobile.

Today, I finally attempted compiling for my "camera", and I'm happy to say that it went fairly well.
A simmple, single test, a few tweaks, and another test. All seemed to work reasonably well, and appears to be easily repeatable for future projects.

I now have to learn all about the licenses, and requirements for store-based stuff, and hopefully within the next few months I'll be up and running on there.
Also, I could do with sorting out my iOS stuff, and .. I really need to get myself another Android test device..

But I'm slowly nudging my way back to phone-dev, so expect a few touch-based games to start appearing soon.
Whether WinMobile games will be weekly, will be entirely dependant on how long it takes me to get from hitting the compile button, to it being available in the store.

(Oh, and .. WTF is with THOSE icon sizes, Microsoft? Bloody hell!!)
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Blog - Coming Soon to Windows Phone, Maybe! - AGameAWeek