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Moving Jay : Day Forty Four : Lost the Pickle Blog
2nd August 2023
What a difference 24 hours makes.
.. And, you know, people actually getting in touch with you, and helping out, as opposed to leaving you to stress out over the entire weekend and a day.


The local council got in touch and helped us with the Freeholder business. If we're paying ground rent to "Bolton Council", then the freeholder is someone else, but if we pay through "Bolton at Home", which we do, then they "should" (Very much stressing the "should"!!) be classed as our freeholder.
The lady on the phone seemed quite sure on that, but they've sent off (goodness knows to who!) to find out further information, and should get back in a week or so.
The stress of that whole complication lifted almost as soon as she said the words "We should be your freeholder."
Even if it turns out to be wrong, we should at least have a definitive answer as to who the freeholder is, once the other person gets back to us in a week, so I'm no longer stressing out about all of that. (And, good grief, was I stressing out about that!!)

As for the lack of planning permission for the Conservatory, the solicitor (She doesn't work on Mondays.. .... nnnnghh..) finally got back to us, and said basically "Do nothing"
The buyers of our property will be given the option to purchase a one-time insurance policy on the possibility that someone ever tries to rip them off and claim £££s for the lack of planning permission. And if they choose to do that, they'll probably take that amount off of the amount they're paying us for the house.
It's a bit of a reduction as far as our budget's concerned, but it's a better scenario than us having to get the council involved, trying to get retroactive permission, and having everything come to a dead-stop whilst everyone waits for that to happen. .. Honestly, that could take months to happen.
So the solicitor just said "Do nothing", and that's what we're doing.

Another HUGE chunk of stress gone.


Last night we had a neighbour 'round, and we chatted about the situation, about the bungalow, about possible layouts for the kitchen and bathroom, and all manner of other things.
After the sheer relief of everything slotting into place earlier in the day, I was able to chit-chat about the bungalow without constantly thinking "OMG, We might lose it!!" every few minutes.
A much nicer discussion, and lots of chitty-chatting.
Aaaah, I needed that.

Today, I have about 7,000,000,000 forms to fill in.
Oh joy.

ALChoon might be late, this week!

"Cartoon Derek, Matrix, There is no pickle, cgi render" by #DrawThings
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Blog - Moving Jay : Day Forty Four : Lost the Pickle - AGameAWeek