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Moving Jay : Day Fifty Two : Planning Ahead Blog
10th August 2023
Good grief, things are slow.. I'm taking my mind off all the sitting around, by thinking up a plan for the next phase of AGameAWeek.


I guess I should probably actually be thinking about Advent, by this point.
That's only a few months away, and I haven't started anything for that, yet.

I'm also wondering if I should probably start to look into the realm of 3D. I know, shocking, right!?!
But since I'm taking this bit of a break, maybe now is a good time to be thinking about it.
Learning WebGL properly, and giving it all a good old prod.

I could likely also make some sort of minimalist Jay-Style 3D modeller to create simplistic little objects for varying purposes.
That sounds hard!!!

But these are indeed the sort of thoughts I'm having whilst sitting around waiting for things to happen.

So far I've jotted down a few ideas, like how I should probably keep any minimal object data into strings, like how the JXM music is formatted. That way, in the far flung future, I might even be able to integrate them into JSE.
But, gosh, that's a long long way off, and would require a WebGL edition of JSE.
I've also started making notes on the sort of interface I'd need for a 3D object editor. The old fashioned 4-windows-view, with simple object placement, scaling and rotation. Nothing too complicated. Keep it simple, and it should be ok.
... Oh no..

Things had better happen quickly, or I'll have more than a basic plan bubbling around in my head.

"beautiful landscape, trees, river, cartoon derek in a tent, camping, forest, bridge" by #DrawThings

Sure would be a great time to take a break from everything...
.. except I already am taking a break from everything.. hmm...
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Blog - Moving Jay : Day Fifty Two : Planning Ahead - AGameAWeek