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Moving Jay : Day Fifty Six : Golden Blog
14th August 2023
Oh my, what a productive coding weekend I've had!


The SoCoder Mudchat is now 50% functional. The Mud isn't there yet, but the Chat most definitely is.
The whole chatroom is fully functional, including BBCode, working emoji, and even (OMG!) a modern web feature.. You can drag and drop images on it, and it'll upload them and post them directly to the chat.
Goodness me!

I think the next step with that is to integrate drag'n'drop uploads onto the main site itself, so people can more easily upload images and the like directly onto the forum.
That'd be nice, I think.
.. maybe!


And then at 2 in the morning, I had one of those sparks of creativity that I haven't had since the start of this whole process, and *blammo* a new game was born.
It's another little puzzle for the Five-Words site, and is imaginatively called Six Dice.
Simply move the dice into the grid so that the values all add up. It's a little simple puzzle game, nothing major. But it is at least something that my head could tackle, game wise, and that's probably a good sign, right!?

You can Play Six Dice here.
(I've probably still not got it in me to bother to post the game to the site, properly, yet!)

Meanwhile, Meanwhile...

Waiting for the electrician, but that's not until tomorrow.
Hopefully he's only coming to LOOK at the wiring, not actually try to do any work.
If he DOES intend to do any work, then I fully intend to press the Estate Agents on the matter. The house is still technically ours, and if the buyers haven't yet transferred any money, they ain't getting to do any work.
That's kinda being a bit pushy, in my eyes.
Tomorrow may or may not be an argument..
We'll have to wait and see.

"Cartoon Derek looking dishevelled as he writes another game at night, darkness, glowing monitor, keyboard, typing, crazy hair, tired, cinematic lighting" by #DrawThings
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Blog - Moving Jay : Day Fifty Six : Golden - AGameAWeek