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Moving Jay : Day Sixty One : Weekends Suck Blog
20th August 2023
We're still waiting for the buyer's to get back to us on whether our "Good Gesture" reduction of £2K in price (to help them pay for all the rewiring) is enough to let them go ahead with the purchase.
.. But it's the weekend, and the solicitor doesn't "DO" Mondays, so.


So, carry on with background tasks, it is.
Mum's currently vacuuming the garden.
A couple of nights ago, one of our neighbours had a bean-bag burst, and the whole damn street is littered with little beads.
Thankfully, the good old-fashioned Big Orange Vax seems to be making a good job of all the little white bits scattered around our garden.

To suggest that most of the neighbours are annoyed at this one neighbour is an understatement.
Her plan of "Let's quickly sweep it all into the drainage grid" hasn't exactly gone down well, with us, other neighbours, or the drainage-maintenance crew that have had to be called out.

Some days..

The camera footage of the neighbour .. emptying hundreds and thousands of white dots into the road, freaking out at how much it is, realising it isn't going to go anywhere, getting her daughter and a friend to help with brushes, and them all sweeping, sweeping ,sweeping, for over an hour... when sped up with the Benny Hill music... is quite entertaining!

So, yeah, waiting again.. Hopefully we'll hear something from the Estate Agent tomorrow, if not it's going to be another day waiting for the Solicitor on Tuesday.
Weekends, eh!?


As the features of the PixelCubes site get added, so does the overall functionality.
You can now set a default extrusion size, as well as the space between layers.
Clicking into a layer will bring up the long list of colours at the bottom, letting you scale the extrusion per colour.
This'll be great for making pop-out extruded art for STL-based 3D printing, except I haven't yet got the STL export stuff working, mostly because I'm not quite sure how to do that whilst including layers.
.. hmm..

It should probably go "Back layer = Bottom of Print, Front layer = Top of Print", but then what happens when there are gaps? How does a 3D printer cope with that?!
Maybe the slicer tool can figure all of that out?
Not sure.

I'll let that idea bubble away in my head-kettle for a bit, and get back to it later.

In the meantime, I'm also slowly getting to grips with Blender's functionality.
I have to admit, though, it's an absolutely terrible interface when using a MacBook. No Mouse, so even the Right-click is hard to cope with, never mind a third mouse button.
And the near constant use of the Numpad, which the MacBook doesn't have, is frustrating as anything.

But it works well enough, and I'm gradually getting the hang of it.

I think..

You can Play with it here, but it's still not quite optimised, or indeed neat and tidy, yet, either!

"3D CGI Render, cartoon derek in a world full of semi-transparent cubes, boxes, cubes, boxes, cubes, crates, boxes, cubes, specular highlighting, lighting, refraction, reflection, luminous boxes, render by Pixar" by #DrawThings
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Blog - Moving Jay : Day Sixty One : Weekends Suck - AGameAWeek