This week's going to be one of those weeks, isn't it..
1. We need to be sure that insurance went through, the other day.
2. We need to convince the Solicitor that everything's OK with the Bungalow.
3. We need to keep fighting to get everything else done.
.. This is the stuff a sodding solicitor is supposed to do, not me.
The whole damn point of getting a solicitor was so the pressure wasn't constantly on my sodding shoulders, and in my head, because my head is not exactly in tip-top shape..
And I'm having to buy a new telly during the Amazon Prime sales, too..
Which also means having to dispose of the old telly.
And it will be disposed of, because it's absolutely awful.
I spent about half an hour yesterday fiddling with settings, and this was the best I could get out of it.
Time to go, telly.
Time to go..
I tried again to get to output some nice JSE code. I have to keep fixing up the example code so that it can understand the language better, but also have started to tweak the language a little so that its output tends to work, as opposed to not working.
.. All whilst trying not to break everything else!
Prompt : "Can you write a program that creates a neat times table, with numbers 1 to 12 across the top, 1 to 12 down the side, then the multiplication result at each crossing?"
// Times Table
Graphics 800,600
// Draw headings
Text 40,40,"Times Table"
For i=1 to 12
Text 40+(i*40),40,i
For i=1 to 12
Text 40,40+(i*40),i
For j=1 to 12
result = i * j
Text 40+(j*40),40+(i*40),result
// Add a border
SetThick 5
Line 0,0,800,0
Line 0,0,0,600
Line 800,0,800,600
Line 0,600,800,600
I mean.. .. Yeah, ok.. That works.. Kinda.
Formatting's a bit off, but for a single one-shot request, that's not too bad really.
A little more tweaking and we should be at the point where you can ask for basic loops and other little tidbits, and it can "hopefully" help guide you along the way.
"Animated Cartoon, derek uncovers a great mystery in the tomb, egypt, mummy, treasure" by #DiffusionBee