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Moving Jay : Day 120 : More Waiting Blog
18th October 2023
The endless waiting is driving us crazy.

The buyers need at least 5 days for their mortgage to get through.

.. Is that all we're waiting for, now?!


The Solicitor rang yesterday morning with a possible moving date. "Are we at that point, already?" I asked.. Given the chaos of the past few weeks alone, it came as somewhat of a shock that things are now moving on in leaps and bounds.
"Yes, we are!" and they suggested possible dates, but that they have to get in touch with all other parties, to find out their likely possible dates, to ensure everything lines up.

Me and Mum are just waiting around, with not much else going on, so any dates are good enough for us. Instead, then, it's a case of waiting for a sort of dates that everyone else has.

Just waiting.
So frustrating just waiting!!
But, hopefully in the next day or so, we'll have a nice firm moving date.

And, my god, will I be glad once this is all done.

The next step is going online to 20 or 30 different sites, organising moving dates with them.
Gas, Electric, Water, Cable/Broadband, NHS, Royal Mail and more, as well as the removal men, all need to be sorted, and if the buyer's are happy moving in 5 days time, then that gives me ... *checks calendar* 5 days to organise all of that!?!

Oh, geeze...

Keep going, Jay (and Jay's Mum). The end is in sight.

"Cartoon Derek gets an important email, airbrush art" by #DiffusionBee
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Blog - Moving Jay : Day 120 : More Waiting - AGameAWeek