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Zzzzz... Blog
26th December 2023
I slept until after 9:30, this morning, which is one of the latest mornings I've had in the bungalow.


Yesterday wasn't really all that bad, but the culmination of what was more or less three whole days of Xmas, really hit me hard!
Having to keep doing these Advent ALChoons in the background hasn't helped that much, either.
I think, today, I'll take a break from everything.
.. He says..
Though I do need to do this week's ALChoon-Proper, finish off the Xenial album, prepare for the next album, and get all of that sorted.

Also, it's Boxing Day today, which means the traditional Uncle+Aunt+Kids visiting, which usually ends up lasting late into the night. Going to have to be ready for all of that chaos, tonight.

And then there's the whole New Years Eve stuff coming up, too.
It's awfully tiring, all of this "socialising" guff!

Hope you're all well, and having a good time.
Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

"Cartoon Derek asleep outside in a puddle of rain, empty whiskey bottle, drunk" by #DiffusionBee
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