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Y7 - D114 : Dream Delight Blog
24th April 2015
Welcome to the new daily blog section of I could do with reorganising the layout of the site, if I'm honest!


Yesterday I did a few odd little bits and pieces. I got "bombs" to work in the new engine, and managed to get a feel for the game. So far, so good. I think!
..or at least, assuming the rest of the game falls into place!
Next I'll be adding some enemies, and working out the pacing of the levels.

I also spent a bit of time making a new AL Choon.
Precarious Jogging is the 10th track from his Precarious AL Bum, and is a slightly slower piece.


Daily Doodle

Today's Daily Doodle is based on the Sega classic Nights into Dreams, which I'm sure you're all fans of. And if not, go play it!
I had the bloody theme song stuck in my head, throughout the entirety of drawing that thing. Grrr!


Today's mail comes from Steven, who makes the following short and sweet suggestion.


Steven knows me well, and is aware that I've been planning to do a JNKFighters for quite some time. Unfortunately, it's one of those things that I've had to leave on the backburner for quite a while.
Nearly all of my characters have REALLY short limbs, which makes them somewhat useless as fighters. Even a Smash-Bros style fighting game would require the players to practically stand on top of one another, before their arms and legs would connect!
Instead, I've been trying to come up with some kind of alternative concept, and a "Street Fighter/Puzzle Fighter" style of game seems to be the most obvious route. I'm not sure if I want to attempt that, though. Feels almost like I'm giving up on a proper fighter, if I do.
The idea's festering, and will be revisited soon enough.

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Daily Blog
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Site credits : This was all done by Jayenkai
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Blog - Y7 - D114 : Dream Delight - AGameAWeek