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Late Night Coding Blog
7th March 2024
You know when you're busy coding and then it's 4:30 in the morning?


I started a script called "JFrame" in Xcode yesterday, and started bundling a couple of test functions in there.
Things like Mills() and Rand(a,b).. Actually, pretty much just those two.
I wanted to test if I could make use of commands in one script directly inside another script, without having to keep referencing the script name..
JFrame.Mills() would've irritated the munkies out of me, let alone EVERY OTHER command being the same.

You can read a slightly more in-depth waffle about this, over at SoCoder.

Thankfully, I got it working. It took about 78,000 attempts over a couple of days, but I got it to work.
I then also tested whether Variables are similarly accessible, before then adding a couple of RGB/Colour commands into the mix.
I had to add 3 versions of each colour command, to account for ints, CGfloat and doubles, because.. you know.. "Strict"!!!

Things seem to be working well enough, though, although I'm currently only using the default rectangle-drawing template, as I haven't yet experimented with other shapes or images or anything like that.
The next step will be trying to get it to actually draw a few sprites, as well as figuring out how to balance things, keep things flowing smoothly, and things of that sort, whilst also working on managing the sprites... Something that I've not really done before. I traditionally just fling stuff onto the screen until the frame's ready!!!


ArtFlow.AI seems to be a bit broken, this morning.
I've left a note on the Discord to let them know. It looks like it might be a specific issue with the Cartoon Derek model, or if it's something to do with the new update to the site that got released at some point since yesterday. Either way, it's failing every time I ask it to generate @Derek.
It can seemingly generate anything other than @Derek, which is a bit of a shame, if I'm honest.
I think I have to train a new model, but based on my previous attempts, it's likely not going to end up being as great as the proper model

I do hope they fix it.
In the meantime, here's one of the oddities from a couple of days ago.

"Cartoon @Derek moves the old fridge out of the kitchen to make space for the new fridge." by

I hope they can fix it. I'd miss these Greenies!
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