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Where's My Game? Blog
9th March 2024
Oh yeah, I'm supposed to be making AGameAWeek, here, aren't I?
Sidetracked again.


Oh lord, the spaghetti code!!!

So far, I've got the simple basic commands, like Mills, Rand, etc, all working fine.
I've got variables and arrays and whatnot working fine, too.
I've learned stupid rules to concatenate variable types.
And that's honestly about it.

Yesterday I attempted to get code from JFrame to alter onscreen elements in the GameScene.
Could I do it?!
Could I 'eck!

What I've been so-desperately trying to do, is minimise the amount of code I'm putting into the default template script.
I'm adding the JFrame files into an included folder, then adding a "GameHandler()" command into the default GameScene.swift script.
GameHander() is part of JFrame, and the plan is, that'll then handle everything that I need in the game, without me having to tweak and tug at the template files any more than that single command.
This is, in my mind, the most simplest way to get everything going, whilst keeping it neat and tidy and easy to move from one project to the next.

.. But it's really not looking like Swift is going to let me do that.
As much as I can do the Mills() and Rand() commands, those are all background stuff.
As soon as I try to alter anything onscreen, though, I seem to need to hop back to GameScene to make the changes, since that's private, and held inside it's own little world. This essentially means that I'm going to HAVE to make more changes to the GameScene.swift script itself.
And an back and forth-ing from JFrame to GameScene means I'm going to end up having to write things like GameScene.DrawImage() and things like that.
.. I think!

I honestly still haven't even got that much to work, and can't seem to jump back and forth between the two "worlds" of code.
It's all very much a chaotic mess, and I've barely started.

Good grief, Apple, this is anything but Swift..


In the meantime, then, I started a simple little gallery-shooter thing, yesterday, and I should be able to finish that off at some point today.
Another of those "Art by Bing" games, where it's all a case of..
1. Get Bing to generate a spritesheet full of baddies and damsels
2. Throw them into JSE
3. There is no step three.

I mean, true, it's a little more in-depth than that, but .. I'll be honest.. It's not much!

The time when you can go "Hey, Chatbot, make me a whole entire game" is pretty much imminent.

"Cartoon @Derek holding a small toy plastic yellow and blue gun at a tin-can alley shooting gallery booth, in a large fairground. Shooting at tin cans." by
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Blog - Where's My Game? - AGameAWeek