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A Productive Night Blog
15th March 2024
Amazing the amount of work you can get done when the cat wakes you up at 2 in the morning..



Molly : Wake up. Let me out.
Me : No.
Molly : No, but really, I need to go out.
Me : Ugh.

So that was me wide awake.
I opted to code some more of the iOS Framework, with a myriad of frustrations along the way.

Dim myArray(100)
.. LOL, as if Swift would let you type anything as "Swift" as that into the code!!
public var myArray:[Int] = Array(repeating:0, count:100);
Hahahhahahaa!!! I'm having such fun..



Molly : Hey. Let me out again.
Me : No, it's pissing down out there..
Molly : No, but really, I need to go out.
Me : Ugh.

Sprites taken directly from Browsercade. Specifically, this Spritesheet

I managed to get sprite textures and even recolouring working yesterday, so if I'm still wide awake, I might as well see about getting sprite sheets working, too, right..!?

Lots of maths, here, and with all the number games, I annoyingly managed to squeeze a little of the power out of the engine.

The engine now struggles to keep up a 60fps framerate, though, if I have 1000 sprites onscreen at once, but .. only in Portrait mode, not in Landscape.
Not sure what that's about, but if it's going to be an issue, I'll likely self-impose a 500 sprite limit.

That's not "too" much of an limit, though, as the sprites can seemingly be any size, scale, rotation and colour that I want, so "only" being able to fling 500 sprites around is more than enough. A couple of giant background sprites to fill up the screen, a hundred or so for particles, and another 50 or so for bits of onscreen bitmap-font text, still leaves me with about 300 or so sprites.
I could probably even optimise a half-decent particle engine, and get that working a little smoother still, and if I can wrangle "proper" text.. Even better!

Yeah, it's looking plausible.

Though, it's already starting to spaghetti code, already. Bit of a mess if I'm honest.


Molly : You still awake?!
Me : Yes, I'm still awake..
Molly : I need to go out.
Me : ... ....

I finished off this week's ALChoon video. I've not uploaded it yet, because by 5am I wasn't thinking straight in the slightest.
I'll go and do that in a jiffy, and then .. I think I might go back to bed, if I'm honest.

Stupid cat..

"A picture of Cartoon @Derek drawn on the side of a box of cereal, labelled "Binaroos" " by
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