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Y7 - D123 : Musically Challenged Blog
3rd May 2015


Yesterday I settled into "Music Mode", where I can generally whip out an AL CHOON for whatever purpose.
Unfortunately, after a good two hours of twiddling dials and buttons in Korg Gadget (iPad only) I came out with absolutely nothing decent whatsoever.
Ashamed that I'd wasted a good amount of time pretty much doing nothing, I instead decided to load up some old Choons, and see if they worked within the new SpikeDislike3 engine.
Good news! SpikeDislike3 will have music!!

On the plus side, this means that SD3 will now have a "proper"-ish soundtrack, just like Sheep Goes Right did.
On the other hand, assuming I put one piece of music in for each and every graphical style, this filesize is about to rocket!!
SD2 was already 15Mb or thereabouts. SD3's going to be QUITE a bit bigger, what with all these mp3's in there.


Still, the titletheme works well, and the switch between menu/ingame/back is working nicely enough, so I think the engine's stable enough to allow me to go ahead, and use oodles of silly Choons throughout the game.
It still needs .. something.. between the menu and the game, though. I'll need to work on that, next, I think, and then it's time to start creating all those graphical themes....
.. I'm not looking forward to that bit!


Daily Doodle : Racing

Platdude and his friend are playing an old Scalextric racer. But Platdude's friend is winning.


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Blog - Y7 - D123 : Musically Challenged - AGameAWeek