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Y7 - D124 : Future Proof Blog
4th May 2015


I spent a lot of yesterday faffing about with the "Start" screen of SpikeDislike3.
At first I intended to have a giant spike be in the center of the screen, and in fact that's what happened for quite a while, but .. I'm not sure why, but I decided to switch to circles instead.
Reusing my generic stripy circle from my basic menu meant I didn't have to redraw anything, and the new "Start" screen looks rather neat. .. or at least, for something I've done, it does!

I spent some time working on background stuff, adding counters, and even adding a new score-tracker feature that counts up lots of stats which may or may not end up being used in the future, for badges and what-not.
I missed a lot of tracking out, in SpikeDislike2.. Stuff that I was originally counting in the first one, but didn't know what to do with it all, so left it out in the sequel.
As that project grew, I found myself wishing I'd left them in, so .. that's happening this time!
Whether I use all these stats will remain to be seen, but they're definitely in there this time!!


Daily Doodle : May the Fourth

Platdude takes a trip through the village on his Pod Racer. He's loaded up the boot with groceries, and will soon realise that, since the Pod Racer doesn't have a boot, he's left a whole lot of groceries scattered throughout his travels.
.. I think!

I'm more of a Trekkie, if I'm honest, and always preferred the series to the movies. Episodic FTW! But Trek doesn't have a catchy phrase that works with dates..
Live Long on December 12th.
Revenge is a Dish Best Served on February 6th.
There's March 5th on the Starboard Bow!!
Beam Me Up, Saturday the 23rd of June.

.. .Doesn't really work.


Today's mail comes from .. somebody.. I don't know who....... There was no name given!

Do you still have an iOS developer's license?

Yes, I have an iOS Dev License. It costs about ?70 a year to keep it active, so I try to sell at least ?70 of games in order to make that a worthwhile expense.
.. I'm not sure I managed that, this year!

Without an iOS Dev License, there'd be no SpikeDislike, Cardagain, Space Popcorn, Hoppy Bobby, BlastTrax or any other awesome AGameAWeek games available on iOS.
They might not sell well, but they're fun to have in your collection!

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.

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Blog - Y7 - D124 : Future Proof - AGameAWeek