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Y7 - D126 : THREE DEE!!! Blog
6th May 2015


Yesterday I decided to try out something a little unusual for me. I attempted THREE DEE!!!
Not "proper" 3D, of course. I'm too lazy for that!
Instead, I took the 2D game engine, added a Skew function to tilt everything at an angle, then plonked the standard graphics over the top.
I wasn't expecting the result to be playable, but oddly enough, it's absolutely 100% normal. In fact, since the engine sticks to the original 2D principles, the game's entirely playable like this, and there's no adverse side-effect.

The entire game will NOT look like this, though. This is simply ONE of the many graphical themes that are being implemented into the game, much like the varied themes in SpikeDislike2.

So, that was yesterday's "theme".. Quite what happens next, is anyone's guess, but I'm going to be playing with every effect I can, this time around!! (Assuming the devices can keep up with all the chaos, that is!)


Daily Doodle : Ironing...

It's 13:30, and I've been waiting long enough for Pixelarf to appear with today's half-scrawled doodle. Not sure where he is, but luckily I made a backup generator for just such an occasion.
As such, today's Pixelarf scrawl isn't actually done by Pixelarf himself, but is instead formed by this bit of .php.
It's still a doodle, none-the-less!


Today's mail comes from DesktopGamer

I thought I'd let yet you know that I've just had an out-of-body experience.
I was beside myself.


Oh.. kay!

I'm not sure I've ever made a game where the main character splits into two. Although there are many puzzle-type gameplay elements you could gain from that kind of thing, they usually end up being of the "Player A Stands on Button, Player B Walks Through Door" variety.
Keeping things interesting is hard, and I tend to get bored with the idea.
An interesting mechanic is the "Time Loop" one. I first experienced that on an old Playstation Magazine Demo CD! Way back when, Sony released an Indie Developer edition of the Playstation (Net Yaroze) and each month the best games would be featured on the official magazine's demo CD, so that everyone could play the games.
A FANTASTIC concept of Indie-Dev, especially for the time.

My favourite of these games was TimeSlip, a game in which you played a standard platform puzzler, but every minute or so, you'd jump back in time. Once that happened, you'd have to not only continue on your journey, but also try to avoid making contact with your past self, who now wanders around the level, too.
A great little platform puzzler, and one that's certainly stood the test of time, IMO.
A more recent edition of the game is available from here, for Windows and apparently XBox, too!

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.

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Blog - Y7 - D126 : THREE DEE!!! - AGameAWeek