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Motivation Go Up Blog
18th April 2024
Thanks to Michael Fernie for reminding me how awesome AGameAWeek is.


Yesterday he sent over one of those email based greetings cards, with a little motivational message about how great AGameAWeek is, and how much time and effort I've put into it over the years.

It's really rather hard to see it, at times, though.
Previously I've had the timescale thing on my side. I might not make "AMAZING", but I do make "Fun", and I do a lot of it, and I do it rather quickly.
When someone releases a generic Space Invaders clone that they've spent 6 months working on, whilst I've created 10 Space Invaders clones in 10 weeks, I can kinda take pride that, though mine usually aren't up to the quality of the others, that mine are at least fun little diversions that get the job done.

But then you look at what the AI's doing, and it's really honestly quite scary.
Give it a prompt, and .. blammo, here's a whole game, or a whole song, and it took minutes, not days.
That's pretty much my whole "thing" gone, in an instant.
But I do try my best, and I know that at the end of the day, I'm really honestly only doing a ton of this just to kill time and amuse myself.
I have a LOT of time on my hands, and if faffing about generating content is the best way for me to pass my time, then so be it.

Motivational AI

I wondered, if it's the AI that's getting me down, then what might happen if I try to get it to perk me up, instead?
I've been having tons of fun with the Derek/Greenie images, and the new wave of JSE-Songs have been kinda amusing to me, too.

I wonder if I can get it to motivate me!?

So, over on Udio, I did just that, and the results are somewhat motivational.
: Download
Udio Link

Perhaps I should use Udio to create an entire motivational album or something?
I bet that might help me get out from this funk..
... Maybe..


I think I'll probably make a start on that Transpiler, today. Feels like everything else is at a satisfactory state of "done"ness...


OK, a plan is in mind.
I'll start with Javascript. It should be rather immediate to see whether things are working in Javascript.
So, today will be about formulating how the Transpiler works, and then jotting down a list of things that I'll need to add to each language, once I start writing Transpilers for those languages, too.
Things like Sin and Cos will likely need Degrees to Radian conversions. Things like String Concatenation will need figured out in the different languages.
There are issues with JSE's lack of specificity, as far as String vs Number variables go, so I might need to create a stricter set of variable rules before Transpiring.
There's even things like GameHandler, which in JSE is one command, but behind the scenes is a whole giant pile of guff!!!

But I oughta make a start, right?!
Let's get to it!
With every function, I'll compile!

"Cartoon @Derek being motivated by an A.I. Generated musician." by
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Blog - Motivation Go Up - AGameAWeek