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VidGen - Half Sized Blog
29th April 2024
I've added a "Half Resolution" button to VidGen.
Nothing more than a quick test, right now, to make sure it does indeed do what I'd hoped.


Added the "; or ' button to take a screenshot" feature that JSE has, so I no longer have to faff about trying to crop these screenshots any more!

When testing VidGen on my iPad last night, it ended up struggling with all the new Kaleidoscope and other effects that I've been adding in.
As a quick test, I shoved some unceremonious little "1/2 wide, 1/2 square, 1/2 tall" buttons to the top right of the interface, and those indeed do appear to do the trick.
Today, then, I'll neaten that up and make the buttons into a drop down box with a whole bunch of resolutions and things.
Oughta do the trick.

The rest of the interface has been worked on, too, and now the giant list of presets takes up the majority of the interface. A nice big scrolling list with all the presets within easy grasp, which is a much nicer way of doing things than the previous "pick a style, then pick a preset" methodology. .. I think..
What do you think!?

Currently the interface fits on my screen really quite nicely, but that's not really a good way to do these kinds of things, is it?! I really need to reflow the interface to fit onto any resolution/ratio, etc..
I think that'll probably be today's task. .. Because, far off in the background, my head's still trying to figure out that Goto thing in JSE's Transpiler, and though a plan seems to be forming, it's not quite ready to go just yet.
VidGen is at least keeping my mind occupied, which is good.

You can Play with VidGen here.

"Cartoon @Derek squeezes into a smaller box.", by
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Blog - VidGen - Half Sized - AGameAWeek