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Y7 - D141 : A Perfect Day Blog
21st May 2015


I spent some time, yesterday, playing around with the menu system for SpikeDislike3. It's starting to look fairly usable, now, with it's little bouncing "Next Level" thing, and all the spikes and stars in the right places.
I still need to add some sort of boundary to the left, so that the "Infinity" levels are more apparent, but for the most part, the menu is nice enough, and actually functions the way it's supposed to!

In the above video, you'll get a feel for how the menu currently works.. (With apologies for that odd glitch that happens in the video. I need to get the MacMini up and running again.. That was WAY better at making videos!!)

Stars are awarded for completed levels, Spikes are awarded for failures, and just like Sheep Goes Left, if you end up with three spikes on a level it'll open up the next level for you, because I'm not a mean-spirited evil crazy-person!

Annoyingly, because I've now created a "10 levels per graphical theme" rule, and have 13 themes ready and waiting, I'm going to have to make a LOT of levels to pad out the game!!!


Daily Doodle : A Perfect Match

A lovely photo of the fantastic couple.
Framed Photo available here.


Today's mail comes from Indie-Dev, Spinal

Have you ever consider teaming up with a couple of socoder members and starting an indie dev publishers and getting everyone to chip in to get a licence for on of the bigger consoles to publish on?


Yep! I have indeed.
It's difficult to get your feet off the ground, and in a lot of cases a "group" license would work infinitely better. A general "Socoder" license would allow everyone to throw their games in the pile, and get them published wherever possible.
But that sort of thing requires someone with a proper business mind, and I am honestly not the man for the job. There are dozens of my own things that I still have to faff about with, before I start to worry about everyone elses issues!!

Whoever does inevitably set up such a thing, would have to avoid the nastynesses of regular publishers, but also try to keep control of the project. It's going to be a heck of an undertaking to manage all those games, whilst still not becoming a control-freak!
Rules will have to be set up, and feedback from the "controller" will have to be dealt with.
In many ways, this is pretty much how OUYA-Review works, and having something like that would probably be nice.
.. But costly for all those target devices.

It's messy, and it's costly, and .. it's not for me!
I'm happy to be in control of AGameAWeek, and that's good enough for the meantime.

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Y7 - D141 : A Perfect Day - AGameAWeek