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The A.I.'s Terkin Mai Jeeerb Blog
14th May 2024
OpenAI unveiled their latest model, GPT-4o, yesterday.
And, boy is it a mighty fella.


You can currently play with it (as far as I've found!) on either OpenAI's Playground, or using I've also (I think) managed to chat with it via the iOS app, but I can't find any way to get the version on the app, so I can't say for sure if it's the right one!

.. I'm sure there's oodles of other ways, too.

It's shockingingly fast, even when you consider that the server must, right now, be getting absolutely hammered to pieces.
But it's coping admirably well.
I keep getting the odd cut-off responses, and the iOS app keeps responding with "having issues right now.", but otherwise it's nice and fast and pretty damn clever when you ask it things.

I drag'n'dropped the JSE command list onto it (using the site) and asked it to make a version of Flappy Bird.

Graphics 800,600 // Game Variables PosX = 200 PosY = ScreenHeight() / 2 SpeedY = 0 Gravity = 0.5 JumpStrength = -10 Score = 0 GameOver = 0 // Pipe Variables Dim PipeX(5) Dim PipeY(5) PipeWidth = 80 PipeGap = 200 PipeSpeed = 3 // Initialize Pipes for i = 0 to 4 PipeX(i) = ScreenWidth() + i * (ScreenWidth() / 5) PipeY(i) = Rand(150, ScreenHeight() - 150) next Repeat // Main loop CLS 135,206,235 // Clear the screen with sky blue if GameOver == 0 // Update Bird if GamePad(ButtonA) > 0.5 or MouseDown() == 1 SpeedY = JumpStrength endif SpeedY = SpeedY + Gravity PosY = PosY + SpeedY // Update Pipes for i = 0 to 4 PipeX(i) = PipeX(i) - PipeSpeed if PipeX(i) < -PipeWidth PipeX(i) = ScreenWidth() PipeY(i) = Rand(150, ScreenHeight() - 150) Score = Score + 1 endif next // Collision Detection for i = 0 to 4 if PosX > PipeX(i) - PipeWidth / 2 and PosX < PipeX(i) + PipeWidth / 2 if PosY < PipeY(i) - PipeGap / 2 or PosY > PipeY(i) + PipeGap / 2 GameOver = 1 endif endif next if PosY < 0 or PosY > ScreenHeight() GameOver = 1 endif endif // Draw Bird SetColor 255,255,0 Oval PosX, PosY, 20, 20, 32 // Draw Pipes SetColor 34,139,34 for i = 0 to 4 Rect PipeX(i), PipeY(i) - PipeGap / 2 - ScreenHeight(), PipeWidth, ScreenHeight(), 1 Rect PipeX(i), PipeY(i) + PipeGap / 2, PipeWidth, ScreenHeight(), 1 next // Draw Score SetColor 0,0,0 SetFontSize 32 Text 10, 10, "Score: " + Score, 0 if GameOver == 1 SetColor 255,0,0 SetFontSize 64 Text ScreenWidth() / 2, ScreenHeight() / 2, "Game Over", 1 Text ScreenWidth() / 2, ScreenHeight() / 2 + 64, "Press R to Restart", 1 if Inkey() == "R" // Reset Game PosX = 200 PosY = ScreenHeight() / 2 SpeedY = 0 Score = 0 GameOver = 0 for i = 0 to 4 PipeX(i) = ScreenWidth() + i * (ScreenWidth() / 5) PipeY(i) = Rand(150, ScreenHeight() - 150) next endif endif Flip Forever

Which isn't perfect, and definitely needs some fixing up.
It's used the Inkey() command wrong. It expected it to work one way, but it doesn't. Is that a "my coding" issue, or a "GPT coding" issue? I'll let you decide.

But otherwise, it understood how to do the Dim's, which other AI's have failed on, and got all the drawing stuff pretty much spot on.
Obviously it can't use Symbols. I think I need to come up with a set of default symbols that people/none-people can use. It'll make it a bit easier.

Gameplay wise, the horizontal space between pipes is a bit crazy-narrow, and you can't actually get past any of the vertical gaps, so the game's entirely unplayable.
But .. It runs..!!
Can't argue with that!!!

So, I guess I'm out of a job, now.
The end of AGameAWeek is in sight, and all future blog posts will be written by AI, and probably have much less double-triple-quadruple exclamation points all over the place.

In the meantime, then, here's a song I didn't write,
: Download

And here's a picture I didn't draw, either.
Good grief.. There's nothing left for me to do...

Goodbye everybody!

"Cartoon @Derek holds the power of A.I. in the palm of his hands. A smartphone lit up with a glowing screen." by

Don't worry.. I'm working on a fun little game!!

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Daily Blog , Ai , Chatgpt
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Blog - The A.I.'s Terkin Mai Jeeerb - AGameAWeek