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16th May 2024
OK, that's another game done. Now what!?!

*checks todo list*
Oh dear god!!!


I found myself thinking, yesterday.. "Oh yeah, I have to figure out what this year's Advent Calendar is, too.."
One idea's sprung to the forefront. In early July last year, the subject of Typing Tutors came up over on SoCoder, and I suggested it might be nice to make a full-on typing tutor site.
I'm wondering if that might make for a nice Advent challenge, this year. Maybe spend a bit of time beforehand building up a typing framework, then once December hits, build up little typing games, day by day like I traditionally do with my Advent Tools.

Of course, before all of that I've got to finish off the JSE Transpiler. That's been list in Goto Limbo for a few weeks, now, and I really need to get back into fixing that up and hopefully getting some kind of result out of the whole palaver.
Oh, and the new version of GameHandler. I keep saying I'll do that, too, but I haven't yet made any sort of start on it, though I have been building it up in my head, and have formulated a sort of plan of action, involving a couple of extra parameters to tell it which images to use to build up the menu.


But before all that!!!
I still have Lyrics in Limbo, too!
I need to formulate the counting, make sure everything connects, and that all things are prim and proper.
I've left something in the version I uploaded the other day. Not sure if anyone's noticed it, but if you go to the site, click into the Tweak settings and hit the button that says "Waveform", you'll inexplicably see the words "I look real fine" temporarily pop up on the output screen!!
It shouldn't do that, by the way!!!
No idea why it does.

Meanwhile, Meanwhile..

Oh yeah, I need to start on next week's AGameAWeek, don't I?
I dreamt of a space shooter last night. It was a twin-stick shooter like Geometry Wars.
JSE "can" handle Twin-stick controls, but whether end-users have a twin-stick setup, I'm not 100% sure.
I could try to get people to default to WASD+IJKL, I suppose. Those would kinda work for the most-part, but I think the good old "plug in a joypad" methodology would likely be the best option.

Yeah, I might give that a go, I reckon.
What are your thoughts on the subject?
Do you have a twin-stick gamepad plugged into your system, right now!?!

Meanwhile, Meanwhile, Meanwhile...

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Zinc Traversal

Yesterday's ALChoon came along staggeringly well, considering I scrapped everything I'd done over the past week and did everything within the day. Music, Singing, Video, Lyrics.

Sure was nice to have VidGen take up a lot of the video generating slack, with a simple starfield generated in JSE and layered beneath.
Still had to do all the lyrics by hand, though. Someone had better hurry up and add lyric functionality to that video tool!..
.. Oh yeah, that's me, isn't it..

"Cartoon @Derek, Limbo Dancing, Hawaii, limbo pole, low horizontal pole at waist height, flowery decorations, " by

Really struggled to get the Limbo pole on this one. Aw well..
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