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Daily Blog Blog
21st May 2024
Boing, Boing, Boing!
Perhaps I should add different styles to this ball..?!


As I finally got the "Karaoke Ball" to function in a half-decent manner, I stopped, looked at it, and went "Dammn, that could be the SpikeDislike ball!!"
And my head started to rush through all the different game characters that could be bounding over the top of the words.

Guess I am going to be adding a Spritesheet to this engine, after all.
The possibilities are endless! .. Unless you count the fact that I'm bound to run out of ideas soon enough.

But a selection of little 32x32 pixel sprites could go really well here, so I think I might just do that.


Loading and saving appears to be functioning to a degree. The screenshot above was taken this morning, after opening the engine, selecting the choon, and hitting play.
No adding of lyrics, no tapping for timings, not even selecting the preset. All saved, all good! \o/yeay\o/
There's still the odd .. issue.. with the load/save, but it's working well enough for now.

Today I need to neaten up the "tapping" interface a little bit more, and fix up some of the quirks that have appeared over the past few days, and then I'll get the latest version up so you can play with it.

Meanwhile, Meanwhile...

Don't forget to do AGameAWeek, Jay! That's literally the name of the site!
OK.. Um...
Retro Triangular spaceship with a spinning turret, shooting colourful lasers at things..
Will that do!?

Yeah, that'll do.
I now need to add .. um.. game..!

Baddies, maybe waves of baddies?
I dunno...
We'll see how this one goes.

"Wireframe Cartoon @Derek in a wireframe grid void, rendered using a 1987 home computer" by
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