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Y7 - D145 : Sheep Goes Right! Blog
25th May 2015


Yesterday I started playing about with all the different gameplay styles that'll make up the majority of the levels in SpikeDislike3.
If you're keeping track, you'll remember that WAY WAY way way way back in SpikeDislike 1 (Made in 2011, still works on most/all iOS devices!) there was a nice little Challenge mode to keep you entertained. Unfortunately, it didn't have a whole lot of levels. 36 levels were more or less all there was.
A shame, as it's a nice enough idea, I just ran out of steam with it.

This time, however, it's taking centre stage, and will make up a whole bunch of the Levels that you'll be working your way through, in order to unlock the entire game.

I'll try my best to keep things obvious, as well as short, and hopefully not too difficult, whilst still being tricky enough that it's fun to play.

The first brand-new mode I've added is "Sheep Race"... Which may end up not being a sheep in the final varsion, but which certainly seems to make the game a teensy bit more difficult.

More of these to come!


Daily Doodle : The Tower of Cooking Power!

Platdude's rustling up more sausage and bacon. He still can't eat any of it, since he has no mouth, but doesn't appear to be bothered by that.


Today's mail comes from "Sobtanian" who once again enquires about my health.

Hey man,
How's the health?


My health is pretty much the same as it was a couple of weeks ago. In fact, in many ways, it's the same as it was a couple of years ago.
I seem to be stuck in a "Off-balance, mostly useless" stage, and as much as I try to get out of the house, or attempt to actually DO things, it still results in me having to stop mid-way, and make use of any kind of vomit-receptacle!
It's not a very pleasant place to be, but I'm starting to find a sort of middle-ground, where I can vaguely do bits and pieces, as long as I spread out the task through an entire week, rather than trying to do it all at once.
My most recent "project" involved buying a new TV, and getting my Retro Console/Computer area back to where it oughta be.

It's taken most of this week to get the bits into place, from having to organised the consoles/computer into a small-ish area, the next day fiddling about with wires, and the next, receiving the new TV from Amazon, and adding that into the mix.
Pre-Tumour Jay would've had that all done in an hour, ensured all the tech worked as it oughta, and then sat playing Frontier for a number of days!
Post-Tumour Jay has taken a week to get about 50% of it done, still hasn't plugged in the Dreamcast yet, and can't quite be bothered to dig through the piles of boxes to find an ethernet cable long enough to connect the X360 to the router. (LOL.. No Wifi! Oldskool!!!)

Also, Post-Tumour Jay can't finish off Sonic Generations, because all the movement in the Modern-Sonic 3D levels makes him incredibly queazy!

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Y7 - D145 : Sheep Goes Right! - AGameAWeek