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JSE GameHandler Blog
25th May 2024
Yesterday was spent working on JSE's latest version of the GameHandler.


Though it "works", I'm not yet 100% sure on the layout, as some things end up looking awfully cluttered.
For example, Futrino Emissions' titlescreen look more than a little "meh"
The "icon" is aligned to the left, which I originally did to give the high scores a bit more space, but it's ended up making the middle of the screen look kinda empty, and the left of the screen extremely cluttered.

So, I think this morning, I'll be shuffling things around, adding a couple more controls for the layout and such. Options are always nice, right!?
Shouldn't take me too long, though, and then I'll get that finished and uploaded.


It's the weekend, so time to start thinking about another bloomin' game!!
Maybe a Shoebox game, this week? But when was the last time I did a Browsercade game?!
And whatever happened to the plan of retroactively adding the JSE games to Browsercade!?

Giving myself more things to do, here, aren't I!?
But, hey, that's what I do!!
Let's keep shuffling those ideas! \o/yeay\o/

"Cartoon @Derek moving cards around on a table to try to find the best layout" by
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