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OK, Now What? Blog
1st June 2024
And so begins another weekend with no plan ahead, nothing pre-prepared, and a whole lot of empty space where I can start my creativity.


As I stare at the blank canvas, the vast emptiness stares right back. One of us will win this fight, and honestly, it's getting harder to beat it each week!
But I'll continue. Last week turned out ok. Maybe this week will, too!?

In terms of JSE and VidGen fixes, I haven't really done a whole lot on them.
I did notice that the text misalignment appears to be getting worse, and is most prevalent in the latest version of the Arc Browser. At least on the variety of browser I have installed on my system.
I was going to double-check it on my Windows 11 Arm browsers, but then remembered I'd deleted my install of UTM a few weeks ago when I realised I hadn't so much as booted Windows up for about a month.
Guess I might have to reinstall it for that purpose, then?
Either that or dig out my little GPD Win. Maybe I oughta invest in a new mini Windows system or one of those modern handhelds or something.
Mostly for testing, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a portable Audiosurf player!

.. So, yeah, waffling blog, this morning.
No plan.
Suggestions are welcome!

A.I. Corner

: Download | Suno Link

Alternative version
: Download | Suno Link
Sung by Suno

"Cartoon @Derek is getting more and more tired with every passing day." by
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Daily Blog , No Plan
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(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 4

Blog - OK, Now What? - AGameAWeek