A couple of days ago I tried getting a nice box generating in the Asset Generator, and it worked reasonably well.
A couple of tweaks, yesterday, and it can now print with either a wrapped left+right for the box, or repeating the front on both sides.
The overall effect depends entirely on how well the art or screenshot initially looks, and a lot of images don't really do the feature justice.
But if you'd like to try it out, click on any game in the archive, then scroll down to Gift Box, and you can print yourself a happy little box!
Glue the tabs.
Fold it up.
Stick it down.
Job done.
Be sure to print it to card stock, though, or it gets kinda mushy when you put it all together!
So, to further this, I created a new "This game doesn't have a logo, quick, get a logo" function, which uses the Amstrad CPC font. This will generally be used on older games.
You might've previously noticed that old games have a giant black slab instead of a transparent background for their mocked up logos... Now they don't.
Next I wondered how well Platdude Pixelart might fair if similarly pushed through the generator, and the answer is..
Not all that great!
The square images of a Pixelart don't really fit all that well in the confines of the Asset Generator.
Bit of a failure, if I'm honest.
[Dave is sitting at his desk, surrounded by paper, glue, and scissors. Green enters, looking curious.]
Dave: (excitedly) Greenie! You're just in time to witness my latest creation!
Green: (warily) Oh no, what are you up to now? Please tell me it doesn't involve Coke or ketchup.
Dave: Even better! I'm making a puppet... of you!
Green: (taken aback) Of me? Why on earth would you do that?
Dave: Well, I figured if I had a paper version of you, I could practice my conversations without constantly bothering you.
Green: (sarcastically) Oh yes, because that's completely normal behaviour.
[Scene Two]
Int. Dave's Room - Evening
[Dave is putting the finishing touches on his paper Green puppet. The real Green watches with a mix of horror and fascination.]
Dave: (holding up the puppet) Ta-da! What do you think?
Green: (staring) It's... certainly something. Though I don't recall having quite so many googly eyes.
Dave: (defensively) I got carried away with the glue. Besides, more eyes means you can keep a better watch on me and my Coke consumption.
Green: (sighing) Dave, a paper puppet isn't going to stop you from causing chaos. Remember the keyboard incident?
Dave: (waving the puppet) Paper Green disagrees! He thinks I'm brilliant!
Green: (muttering) Great, now there's two of you to deal with.
[Scene Three]
Int. Dave's Room - Night
[Dave is sitting on the couch, having an animated conversation with the paper Green puppet. The real Green watches from the doorway, bemused.]
Dave: (to the puppet) And that's why I think putting grapes on a sandwich is a crime against humanity.
Paper Green: (in Dave's high-pitched voice) Oh Dave, you're so wise and handsome!
Green: (clearing throat) Having fun?
Dave: (startled) Oh, Green! Paper Green and I were just discussing the merits of proper sandwich construction.
Green: (sarcastically) I'm sure it was a riveting conversation.
Dave: (excitedly) It was! Paper Green agrees with everything I say!
Green: (rolling eyes) Of course he does. He's made of paper and your imagination, Dave.
Dave: (defensively) At least he appreciates my genius! And he'd never mock my Coke obsession.
Green: (sighing) Right, well, while you two geniuses figure out the secrets of the universe, I'm going to bed. Try not to cause any paper cuts or glue-related disasters.
[As Green leaves, Dave turns back to his puppet]
Dave: (whispering) Don't worry, Paper Green. Real Green is just jealous of our bond.
[The puppet's head falls off]
Dave: (panicking) Oh no! Paper Green, speak to me!
[As Dave frantically tries to reattach the puppet's head, the credits start to roll]
[End Credits]
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