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2024 - Recorded (inst) Music
11th October 2024
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Updated : 11th October 2024 - Recorded Onion (inst)

An album of choons created using random recordings, taken from obscure places.

Please enjoy this recorded oddness.

  Recorded Ambience (inst)
The iPad was sitting in the garden during a lovely hot summer's day.
Recorded Audio is uncut.

  Recorded Bucketing (inst)
The iPad was sitting in the porch whilst a massive downpour of rain was ongoing.
Recorded Audio is multiple sections.

  Recorded Cafe (inst)
The iPhone was placed on my table in the local cafe. Voices were removed, leaving only the sounds of cups, plates, cutlery, scraping chairs and other random oddities.
These were chopped and reintegrated as a curious backbeat.

  Recorded Designs (inst)
The iPhone recorded the sounds of a sewing machine, as Mum tried to fix up some net curtains.

  Recorded Evaporation (inst)
About a decade ago, I captured the audio of our local Ice Cream Van driving around the street.
I recently learned of his passing.
RIP : The Kandyman

  Recorded Freedom (inst)
Sound of a galloping horse sourced from

  Recorded Groceries (inst)
I recorded the sound of the fridge doing its impression of a Geiger Counter. There's also what sounds like a yapping dog, but is actually the sound the fridge door makes when we close it.

  Recorded Handyman (inst)
Various sounds of the builders, hammering, smashing plaster and other rhythmic sounds.

  Recorded Insomnia (inst)
Whilst the builders were working in the living room, all the doors in the house were open, and the wind was howling through our home.

  Recorded Jumpstart (inst)
Nothing recorded, this week. The song was inspired by my phone's battery dying on me, having not been charged for a few days.

  Recorded Keys (inst)
The sounds of me tapping at the keys!

  Recorded Mushrooms (inst)
  Recorded Onion (inst)

Total 13 tracks
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Music - 2024 - Recorded (inst) - AGameAWeek