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Semi-Productive Day Blog
18th August 2024
I had a day of tweaking little background things, so unfortunately I can't really show off any of the new stuff yet.


Further work has been put into converting how JSE saves all the code that it does. I've also streamlined how it stores it so that I can update it in bits and pieces, rather than the whole, which should hopefully end up making things a little bit quicker when load/saving projects.

I've not uploaded any of this yet, though. I want to be 100,000% sure that it's going to work properly, before I dare make it live.
The last thing I want is the two people who use JSE complaining that I killed what little code they'd done with it.
Have to be super-certain I coded it all ok.


As well as that, I started working on an Asset Library. I'm not 100% sure how this is going to work, yet, as I don't want to clog up the browser with things that aren't part of your games. So far I have a 1024x1024 spritesheet, and am putting sets of 4-tiles onto it. I'm thinking it might be a case of "pick a set of 4, and they get added to the end of your game's Symbol data"
Once there, you can open the image editor and tweak them, or delete as you'd like. It's all code, at the end of the day, so you should be able to tweak things easily enough.

So far I have a few sets of floor tiles, but they're not exactly great looking, so I guess I need to draw better.
Little 4-cell animated characters and the like will probably come next, and then some traditional objects and such.

Quite how these will be loaded, though, I'm not 100% sure.
It'd be nice if you could type something like SymbolPack "Rocket_03",0 and SymbolPack "Invader_01",4 and then code a game with them, as-is.
I definitely need to think this through properly.

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