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The Day After Blog
24th August 2024
There's a lot of dust..


Since the start of July I've been writing the morning's blog the night before, but last night, I crawled into bed, exhausted, and I honestly couldn't do anything.
I joked out early, and didn't wake up until after 9:30 this morning.
I was absolutely wrecked from .. watching other people do everything.

For the past three days, we've had builders in, and they've been removing a ton of plasterwork, reboarding huge sections, doing struts and plasterboarding the ceiling, and more.
They also removed the brickwork .. whatever you call it.. shelf thingy, that ran across the full length of the chimney breast.

We now have space for actual units, though we still need to buy something for the telly.
(although, Mum actually likes the idea of just having a temporary Ikea cube-shelving unit there, and thinks it looks "Modern")

They've reconstructed the area where the old door once was, and the ceiling looks almost Portal-like with lots of disjointed squares all around the place.
This will, of course, all look infinitely better once it's all plastered, but for the moment the builder's plasterer has gone AWOL, so he'll be getting back to us again soon to finish the job. (Don't panic.. He's a family friend, so we trust him!!)

Today there's layers of dust everywhere, so I'll be helping out as much as possible, wiping down small patches so that I'm not swinging back and forth too much. (and feeling mostly useless once more)

The room still has to be gutted twice more. Once for when the plasterer shows up, especially when they're doing the ceiling, and again for once we've picked a colour scheme, have bought the new carpet, and are getting that fitted.

Ugh.. There's so much more to do!!!

And Molly isn't happy about any of it.

In the meantime, then, what of a colour scheme?
Since the move, I've kept the bookmark we used when searching for the bungalow, and we've been noseying at all the bungalows for sale, and comparing the living room designs. \o/yeay\o/!
A LOT of bungalows seem to be white, or white with pinkish hues, and they all seem to have either the same red coloured carpet we have, or the same beige/biscuit coloured carpet that's in my bedroom.

There's a nice blue-ish colour that we've seen that looks like it might work for us, but how much of our furniture will go with it?

Decisions yet to be made.

A.I. Corner

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"Cartoon @Derek standing in a long abandoned, deserted house after the apocalypse. Dust, bricks, dirt, thick dust" by

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Daily Blog , Moving
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Blog - The Day After - AGameAWeek