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Three New iOS Games in a Month! Blog
25th June 2015
One month, Three games!? Sure, why not!!

It might not be "AGameAWeek" but getting 3 games onto iOS in a month is still a pretty decent achievement, especially when they're all nice and big.

As you might know, my old MacMini (from 2010) was starting to rot away due to lack of use.
This month, knowing that SpikeDislike3 was due to arrive, I attempted a quick test compile, and.. well.. it didn't go very well.
So, out with the old, and in with a brand new MacMini.

Further compiles were quick and painless, and everything went smoothly.

My test compile was Invisible Munky 2. I had to fix up the touchscreen controls, and get everything running smoothly, but it was all nice and easy. I also added GameCenter'y'ness, and things went swimmingly.
Uploaded to Apple, waited for review, and a week later Invisible Munky 2 was in the AppStore.

Invisible Munky 2 : AppStore
50 levels, loads of bananas, some spikes, and a Munky!


I now knew my Dev-Kit was "Apple Approved", so I carried on, finished off SpikeDislike3, and got that sent off, too.

"No problems" I thought.. I'd double checked every possible issue, tested all those buttons worked properly, and the game runs smooth as butter.
"What could possibly go wrong?"

Apple, of course, rejected the game. Not because of any gameplay issues.... Not because the engine fails.. Not because the game is broken..
No.. They rejected it because I mentioned "SpikeDislike" and "SpikeDislike2" in the app's keywords.

I whinged a bit, and resubmitted it, and expected to wait another week.. .. And indeed, that's exactly what happened.
So, in the meantime I decided to throw another game up, just to keep them busy.
I'd previously made ChuckABall in 2014, but the game was ... um.. ugly..!?
I gave the game a total makeover, completely reorganised the menu system, fixed up the save method, and even rejigged the way that the game builds levels so that there's a fair few more levels than there used to be.

ChuckABall : AppStore
With 50,000 levels, the game is extremely simple, but will last far longer than most games you've got on your iPhing.

Finally, SpikeDislike3 made it through it's second (proper!) review, and got into the AppStore.
SpikeDislike3 : AppStore
150 levels over 15 themes, and oodles of Spikes to dislike!

The game's proving nicely popular, and will hopefully do rather well.
I don't expect Invisible Munky 2 and ChuckABall to do as well, and thus far they're going unnoticed, but they're both there, and they're both great to play!

All three are available now, on the AppStore, and they're just as good as each other. .. Although SpikeDislike3 is obviously the better of the three!

Invisible Munky 2



Enjoy them all
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Blog - Three New iOS Games in a Month! - AGameAWeek