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Y7 - D187 - Normality.. 'ish Blog
6th July 2015


OK, so GoDaddy restored the backup, and I've spent the past 24 hours doing backups and fixes and all manner of server-based garbage.
I'll be watching the stats over the next few days, keeping tabs on the databases, and ensuring nothing like that happens again. Grrr.
You can read the Waffley post here, if you're interested..

I'm still tweaking, but I'm ready to get back to Spike Dislike, except my mind's too focussed on the server, so I can't seem to settle into the game code right now.
.. Which is a bit of a pain.
But most of the elements are in place. I still need to add some new challenges, but the art is in, the sound is in, the music's ready to be added in, and all in all the next big update is about 90% ready to go. So that's good.


The options menu is still UGLY, though. I really need to work on that.

ChuckABall iOS - Free Today!

All New ChuckABall is currently 100% Free on iOS.
I try not to do that sort of thing too often, but having been on the store a couple of weeks, now, it's only had 12 downloads, and is flying (/falling) completely under the radar.
I'm not all that bothered, as SpikeDislike3 is obviously the game to watch out for, but it'd be nice if a few more people played the game.

So, Free it Be..
You can Grab ChuckABall from the AppStore, and get flinging the balls.


Daily Doodle : Diving Gear

Platdude's using a diving suit.
Not sure why, as he doesn't need to breath, but it still looks good on him!


Today's mail comes from timmytot666

Have you ever thought of hosting your own virtual server with OpenShift? That way you can be in charge of the backups and everything XD


Many years ago, everything I did was hosted from my home. But after I'd gone through 3 PCs in the space of about 5 years, I figured that trying to host so much content, whilst also trying to USE the PC, probably wasn't that great for the PC!
That's when I shifted to GoDaddy, and I haven't looked back.
Whether my server issues were on a GoDaddy shared server, a GoDaddy dedicated server, or a magical Cloud Server, the events of the past few days would more than likely have occurred in the exact same way.
The server really took an odd beating, and although I'm still not sure exactly what caused it, I'm fairly certain that the events would've played out no matter what the circumstances.

The lesson is, as always, backup.
And now I know that relying on a GoDaddy backup, with a bloody 3 day wait before they bother to restore the smegging backup, is probably not the best way to do it!

Cloud/Hosted/Home, it doesn't matter. Backup!!

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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