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7th November 2024
I didn't get an awful lot done yesterday, and I'm willing to bet most of you didn't either.
-=-=- It's a bit like when I write something in the wrong way and it fails spectacularly, so I delete it, give myself time to settle back into the groove, attempt it once more, and fail just as spectacularly at coding it the second time around. And the dire catastrophe that happened, yesterday, preyed on my mind all day, so much that I couldn't really focus on any coding whatsoever. I spent the day watching/listening to various podcasts, whilst reading a bunch of Mastodon/Discord posts, and generally doomscrolling through much of the day. You know what I should've been doing? .. Playing Doom. That would've been good. I'm not sure I have anything that, at the drop of a hat, could run Doom right now. Somewhat ironic given how pretty much everything on earth CAN play Doom. But looking around the room, there's nothing I can just pull out and "blammo, there be Doom!" Hmm. I should probably fix that. So, yeah, that was my day yesterday. I tried doing some music, it didn't work out. I tried coding a bit and that failed. I even tried taking a few photos for the current SoCoder Photography Challenge thread, but .. ugh. Nothing good at all. Yesterday was. .. Meh. And I'm fairly sure you all thought the same, or worse. I hope you found a good way to take your mind off things. Stay safe. *ascii hugs* A.I. CornerLyrics from here : Download | Suno Link Alternative version : Download | Suno Link Sung by Suno Udio Alternative : Download | Udio Link Sung by Udio "Cartoon Derek burying his head in the sand" by Replicate/Flux > Reveal 🔎 Views 82, Upvotes 2
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