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Y7 - D198 - Watching Files Blog
17th July 2015


Yesterday my new NAS turned up.
I bought a Western Digital "My Cloud", and instantly disabled the My Cloud gubbins.
An NAS is enough. I don't leave the house enough to warrant external access!

So it all got setup, and then I did some quick file-access tests. The thing is roughly 3 or 4 times faster than my previous Buffalo Linkstation is, so it should make backing up of files a lot quicker, as well as those occasions when I copy a folder from the PC to the NAS, then to the Mac, for a quick compile!!
My Dev-world is somewhat chaotic, but it works!!

About 2pm yesterday I set off the massive backup transfer, copying 1.2Tb of stuff from the Buffalo over to the new WD.
It's now 11:35 the next morning, and the bloomin' thing still isn't done!
It's currently just over 55% through, and still has a lot of large files to transfer.
I have a lot of content on there. Server backups, all my coding for over a decade, and a lot of Sci-Fi and Comedy that I CANNOT live without!!!

And so I continue to wait. Without "proper" access to my NAS (I don't want to confuse the poor thing copying two lots of stuff at once) I've been more or less just bobbling about, doing not much.
I did attempt to animate a character for a SpikeDislike3 theme, yesterday, but.. .. Well, I can barely draw, so animation's out of the question, really!!


Daily Doodle : Selfie with PlattyKitty

Awww, PlattyKitty wants some company


Today's mail comes from Jimi

How do you think the games industry would work in a society where work was decided by social need rather than by profit?


I'm not sure the world exactly "Needs" games of any kind, but if you look back at the heydays of the 80's "Bedroom coders" phenomenon, there was a HUGE amount of variety on offer. Devs and publishers were happy to try out anything, to see what worked or didn't, and there was much more risk taken when there wasn't literally millions of potential profit at risk on every single title.
The recent mobile-boom saw a slight re-emergence of that, but it seems that over the past couple of years, that nasty world of profit is popping up in the mobile world, too.
Whereas a few years ago, there would've been headlines such as "Amazingly playable game", "Finally, a mobile platformer with controls that work!!" and "Gorgeous game looks pretty!", we're now confronted with headlines such as "Free game generates $5mil in two weeks"

The world of Mobile is tainted, now, and the freeform "game" loving is being shoved aside to make way for generous profits and amazing money grabbing opportunities.
It's a shame to see things go that way, but that's the way things are.
Everyone out for their bazillion dollars, and to hell with anything else.

Bah, humbug!

Don't worry, I'll continue to make randomly chaotic oddities. And if I ever make a profit, it'll all be worthwhile!

Jimi also adds..

My toe hurts

Awww, poor toe.
Have a rest, and a cuppa, and maybe bathe your foot for a while.
I hope your poor toe gets better soon.

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (please do!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.

Current Profit Stats

New MacMini = ?569
SpikeDislike3 sales, so far = ?52

... Not doing particularly well, there!!
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