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Y7 - D205 - Green Day Blog
24th July 2015


First, I'd like to apologise for one of the new themes.
It seems that in my rush to get the game out, I neglected to realise how much blank space was left in one of the sprites.
What appears to be unfair collision is in fact "empty space on the upper right of the sprite".
I redrew this little fella at the very last minute (He was a bit more .. shall we say.. Mouse-like before!)


In my haste, I neglected the upper right of his sprite, and left it a little bit "too" empty. As a result, the game looks like it's being really git-ish in it's collision detections.
I'll fix this for the next update, either by reducing his collision detection, or moving his arm up a bit!!
Rest assured, the game isn't being unfair, it's just that I can't draw!!!


I spent a bit of time playing with the new OUYA themes, yesterday, but so far only one is looking half-decent. I might, instead, head back to the iOS edition and make a start on the new themes there, instead.
For the next 5 themes on iOS, I'm aiming to do something entirely different. Much like the Sheep Goes Right and Barry The Bee themes in SpikeDislike2, I'll be rejigging the controls and gameplay to give a totally different experience.
Hopefully I can come up with a couple more ideas, or we'll end up going back to a bouncing ball again!

Oh, and if you're wondering why the Android edition hasn't been updated yet.. I'm still waiting for that damn Backup to finish!!
Once it's all done, I'll get the Android edition all tweaked and fixed and updated. Should be soon.


Meanwhile, last night I played some Pan Flutes, and it didn't turn out horribly awful!


Daily Doodle : Green Day

It's Platdude's favourite day of the year, when he gets to dress up as Evil Lord Greenstick, and prance about in a blue suit, waffling on about nothing but silly Binary and Punched Cards.

Mailbag : Empty

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (please do!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.

Android Advert Analysis

It's been a couple of weeks since I had to switch the Android edition of SpikeDislike3 over to using bloody Adverts, and I'm sure you're all wondering how those stats are going?
Well, the game's leaped from having 12 paid players, all the way up to a much nicer 233 players!

Meanwhile, the adverts have had over 25,000 "requests", which have so far made me an estimated...



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Blog - Y7 - D205 - Green Day - AGameAWeek