I'm not doing Advent, this year, and Sundays are even more-so not doing Advent!
I opted to take the day off.
Well, that's not entirely true.
I opted to take the night off.
I actually spent most of the day working on another game, but it's about 70% complete, and when I sat down to finish it off, my head complained and I instead spent the night catching up on Otakupunk's Advent Calendar, which I've been grossly neglecting, this year.
Lots of nice scenic videos, this year, which is nice to see.
Today I'll finish off the game I worked on yesterday. I mean, there's really not a lot more to do, but the controls are a little bit wonky, and collision detection (for shooting, which I'm sure Michael will approve of) isn't 100% yet.
[Dave's front garden. A deflated giant Santa lies on the grass. Dave is trying to blow it up manually while Green watches]
Dave: *puffs and wheezes* Just... need... more... air...
Green: Dave, you're going to pass out. It's not even 1% filled.
Dave: Got... to... get... Santa... up!
[Dave stops to take a drink of Cola]
Dave: Cola helps everything!
Green: No, it really doesn't. But I have an idea...
Dave: If you suggest your 286 again-
Green: Actually, I was thinking about your spare PC fans.
Dave: The seventy fans in the garage?
Green: Exactly. Those could do it, right?
[Later. Green is connecting a computer fan to a makeshift inflation system]
Dave: Are you sure about this?
Green: Trust me, Dave. This is even more sensible that using giant table clamps to hold your remotes in place.
[The fan whirs into action]
Dave: It's working! Look at his jolly face filling up!
Green: Dave...
Dave: His beard is so majestic!
Green: Dave...
Dave: What?
Green: Did you anchor him down?
Dave: Anchor?
[Santa starts to lift off]
[The fans unplug, but Santa's too airborne, now.]
Green: And there he goes...
Dave: Quick! Get the Cola cans! We can throw them like weights!
Green: You're suggesting throwing away cola?
Dave: You're right. I'll get some stones instead.
[Santa disappears into the distance]
Dave: *sadly* Ho ho ho-no...
Green: I'll get my coat.
[End credits]
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Lazy Jay
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
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Blog - Not Doing Advent 16 : Sunday Off - AGameAWeek