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Not Doing Advent 19 : Tinsel Trail Blog
19th December 2024
I promise not to make another Snake game over Advent.
This isn't advent, anyway. I'm not doing Advent.


I'm not doing advent this year, but here's a rather silly christmassy game to play.
You're probably thinking "Another Snake game?"
And, yes, whilst it is "Another Snake game", I've tried to make it distinctive enough that it's worth having two Snake games in this short timespan.

Drag your tinsel around the tree, grabbing as many stars as you can, before the giant baubles tear you to shreds.


- Drag the Tinsel!

What I Didn't Do

In a perfect world, the lights would glow and twinkle, but the engine's already doing far too much, and is even slowing down on my lower-end test system, so.. Instead the lights are just plain particles. Sorry about that.

You can Play Tinsel Trail in JSE

A.I. Corner

Lyrics, first verse/chorus by me, the rest by ChatGPT
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: Download | Suno Link

Alternative version
: Download | Suno Link
Sung by Suno

"Cartoon Derek wraps too much blue tinsel around the christmas tree. "I'm not doing Advent!!" " by Replicate/Flux

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Blog - Not Doing Advent 19 : Tinsel Trail - AGameAWeek