I promise not to make another Snake game over Advent.
This isn't advent, anyway. I'm not doing Advent.
I'm not doing advent this year, but here's a rather silly christmassy game to play.
You're probably thinking "Another Snake game?"
And, yes, whilst it is "Another Snake game", I've tried to make it distinctive enough that it's worth having two Snake games in this short timespan.
Drag your tinsel around the tree, grabbing as many stars as you can, before the giant baubles tear you to shreds.
- Drag the Tinsel!
What I Didn't Do
In a perfect world, the lights would glow and twinkle, but the engine's already doing far too much, and is even slowing down on my lower-end test system, so.. Instead the lights are just plain particles. Sorry about that.
Int. Dave's Spare Room
[Dave stands surrounded by Cola memorabilia, holding gift wrap and tape. Green sits on the only empty chair in the room]
Dave: Right! Operation Present Panic begins!
Green: You forgot to buy presents again, didn't you?
Dave: I've been busy! The toilet tinsel took so much longer than expected.
Green: So now you're going to regift your Cola collection?
Dave: Not all of it. And look at all these perfectly good presents! Who wouldn't want a vintage Cola clock?
Green: The one above your special Cola Can podium?
Dave: Well... maybe not that one.
[Dave picks up a Cola-Walkman]
Dave: Andy might like this!
Green: Isn't that the one you got after collecting 10,000 ringpulls?
Dave: *clutching it protectively* Actually, this is a rare model.
[Dave moves to the Cola-Microwave]
Dave: Mrs Microwave's sister could be a good gift...
Green: You've named all your appliances?
Dave: Only the important ones.
Green: The second microwave is important?
Dave: You're right. What was I thinking? She'd be lonely if she left her sister.
[Dave frantically searches through more items]
Dave: Cola-bike? No, that's for emergencies. Cola-fridge? No, that's essential. Cola-watch? But what if I need to tell the time Cola-style?
Green: Dave, you're just listing things you WON'T give away.
Dave: Because they're all special!
[Dave sits among his collection, looking defeated]
Dave: I can't do it, Greenie. I can't part with any of it!
Green: There's always gift vouchers.
Dave: Or... I could buy everyone Cola!
Green: *sighs* I'll get my coat.
[End credits]
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Blog - Not Doing Advent 19 : Tinsel Trail - AGameAWeek