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Not Doing Advent 20 : Candles Blog
20th December 2024
During advent I'd normally be posting a game a day or something. This year I haven't anything planned. Thank goodness I'm not doing advent, then, because.. Good grief would it be hectic!


Yesterday we had my aunt around for the day, so any time I'd normally have spent doing anything particularly Advent'y got compressed into a teensy tiny amount of space.

Good thing I woke up early, to finish off yesterday's game, then.

On my todo list for the morning was...
1. Finish off the game I posted yesterday which I hadn't actually finished off yet.
2. Do all the screenshots, logo, title card, etc for yesterday's game.
3. Post all that to the site.
4. Post a blog about it, including making a silly tune using Suno.
5. Pixelart and Poetry of the day.
6. Post all that to the various socials.
7. Take in the Big Xmas Shop Delivery, including making space for the turkey and all the festive biscuits and things.
8. .. and then make a start on today's game, before my Aunt shows up and the rest of the day is spent socialising.

.. This is why I'm supposed to be doing Advent in advance.
And this is exactly why I'm not doing Advent, this year.

In this printable pen and paper puzzle, all you have to do is connect the candles together. You can use either horizontal or vertical lines, but none of the lines should intersect, nor should any cross over any of the candles.

What I Didn't Do

Make it Hard!

This is actually a rather simple puzzle. Lots of the Foldapuz games can be quite tricky, so this one's just a nice and gentle one. Usually the trick is to figure out which of the candles is "first" (or last!) and then the rest comes together quite easily.

You can Print sheets of Candles over at Foldapuz, or play it in your browser/mobile/tablet, using the Unfolded edition

A.I. Corner

Lyrics : Started by me, a couple of verses by ChatGPT, then I added the "Burnin 'it" bit at the end.
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90s Pop version
: Download | Suno Link

Country version
: Download | Suno Link

Burning version
: Download | Suno Link
(The start takes a while!)
Sung by Suno

"Cartoon Derek in a dark reflective mirrored room, standing amongst 8 candles, and a burning placard that says "I'm not doing Advent!!", cinematic lighting, flames, burn" by Replicate/Flux

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Daily Blog , Advent
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Site credits : This was all done by Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 6

Blog - Not Doing Advent 20 : Candles - AGameAWeek