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Y7 - D216 - Drag'n'Drop. .. 'n'Wait.. Blog
4th August 2015


More files..
Found a whole bunch of old videos on one of my old hard drives, so spent literally HOURS, last night, copying them over to the NAS drive.
Windows 10 seems to focus a lot on file transfers, meaning my laptop was practically unusable whilst the transfer was taking place. I certainly didn't have that issue last week when transferring millions of files from NAS to NAS, so it's either Win10 that's doing it, or the fact that I was transferring from a USB-based dock.

Other than that, I spent some time tweaking some old projects again. I'm getting BlastTrax ready for it's inevitable fixup, and currently wondering if I should bother to release Arcade Slots onto iOS.
I should probably fiddle about and add a couple of new gameplay modes to the thing, though. *shrugs*

Music : Nothing.. It's been a bad week for Music, so far. Nothing decent seems to be coming from my attempts.
..Actually, it's been a mostly unproductive week for everything, this week. I need to buckle down and do some proper coding again.


Daily Doodle : Jump! JUMP!!

Platdude has a jog in the local Mobius-Park, but isn't looking where he's going!
Remember the rule : Spike.... Dislike!!


Today's mail comes from GfK

There's something about an empty mailbag that saddens me.

It's not royal, or daily, nor is it E. Or maybe it is E? Either way, here's some mail to stave off the emptiness.


.. Yeah.... (!?)
An empty mailbag makes me sad, too. I hope that in future, my mailbag can be much more padded out, but unfortunately that means folk need to fill it!

Get filling, people!!

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (please do) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Y7 - D216 - Drag'n'Drop. .. 'n'Wait.. - AGameAWeek