I need to decide what I'm doing with the Bike game, today.
There's gems, there's a timer, and honestly, the game's really quite a lot of fun to play.
.. You die really quickly, right now, though, so I might tweak the controls a little.
But otherwise it's almost ready to go.
Today I'll see if I can add anything more to the game. I think that'll depend on how well I can get the control scheme to work.
I'd like there to be enemies but right now you're struggling to not fall off the .. um.. let's call it a ridge.. and I'm not sure that adding enemies to the game would be a good or bad addition.
But now for the decision.
I'm going to be initially releasing this game as a Patreon Only game.
This is something I've never done before, so I have NO idea how well it'll go down.
.. Quite frankly, I've no idea if it'll even work properly!!
And I'm not sure how long to "lock" the games for.
Do I lock it down for a week? You get a week's game in advance? It's still AGameAWeek, it's just every so often you get an advanced game.
Or since we're doing Monthly themes, do I lock it until the end of next month?
Or.. Do I lock down all the Patreon specials, and release them during Advent!?
Let me know in the comments, or over on the Discord.
What do you think is the best reward for those paying a Patreon subscription, without being too mean to the regular AGameAWeek players?
Ext. Dave's Front Garden
[Dave nervously wheels his Cola bike out of the front door, while Green watches]
Dave: You're sure about this?
Green: The bike needs exercise. A bit of fresh air would be good for it.
Dave: But my collection of cans doesn't need exercise. I don't see why the bike does.
Green: To be honest, Dave, this is more about you than the bike. Being stuck inside coding all day isn't good for your health.
Dave: I spent the past few week or so working outside on Colanary machine.
Green: Just ride to the end of the street. What could go wrong?
Dave: That's what Andy said about the cat.
[Dave attempts to mount the bike but his shoes stick to the pavement]
Dave: That's odd.
Green: What is?
Dave: The ground seems... clingy.
Mrs Thompson: [appearing suddenly] Like the rest of the street!
Dave: Oh, hello Mrs Timpson...
Mrs Thompson: My petunias are covered in some sort of sticky residue, too.
[More neighbours emerge from their houses]
Steve: My garden path's like flypaper!
Dave: *whispers to bike* Don't worry, this isn't your fault.
Green: Dave, I think it might be yours.
Dave: Of course not! Though now you mention it, I may have forgotten to cap off one of the overflow pipes...
[A small crowd of sticky-shoed neighbours gathers]
Mr Jenkins: My cat's stuck to the fence!
Dave: Have you tried using Cola to dissolve it? Works great on my oven!
Green: Dave, that's probably not helping.
Dave: [to bike] I think we should go back inside.
Mrs Thompson: I think you're going to have to fix this, Mr Parker.
Dave: OK, OK, I'll find a way to fix it. [To Greenie] How do I fix this?
Green: We'll come up with a plan. Come on, Dave, let's go in and draw up a plan.
Dave: Ooh, can we use erasable markers?
Green: Sure we can, Dave.
[End credits roll as Dave attempts to wheel his bike back inside, leaving a trail of stuck neighbours trying to unstick their shoes]
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Blog - 25-01-Adventure:25: A Bike Decision - AGameAWeek