Welcome to February, and this month is apparently about Cows and Pickaxes.
The actual words that I've been given are Bovine and "Miner, Mining, Drill, Drilling".
So far, I've got the "Foldapuz games are so quick to make!" Foldapuz game ready to go. Just waiting for Monday to release it.
So what do I do for Browsercade/JSE and Shoebox?
I have one little idea in mind that feels like it's an arcadey game, so should fit Browsercade/JSE, but in my head it's like it wants to be a Shoebox game.
I'm not sure what to make of that. I don't think I've had this conflict as much in the past. Usually it's fairly obvious which of the two (Arcadey or BoardGamey) I should go for, but this one...
Perhaps because it feels fast-paced, it seems like more of an Arcade game. Shoebox doesn't really do action all that well!!
Maybe I should try to come up with a few more ideas, and pop the current idea into whichever slot isn't used up!!
Over on GotoJSE, I finally got the PlayMP3() and Sound() functionality added to the Download HTML5 Project .zip downloader thing.
You can now make a game, use the PlayMP3 (or SetHandlerMP3) function to get some nice background music from my Music archive, and then download the project with the mp3's included as part of the project.
Once that's happened, you might even want to replace those mp3s with your own music, (though, keep the filenames!) giving you much more control over the music that plays in your own games.
Similarly, the newer Sound commands are all part and parcel of the download, so that should work just fine, now, too. Woohoo. A whole new world of sound for JSE games!
.. Though I still haven't written up the new commands in the Command List Help file yet!.. I'll get around to that, eventually.
If you do download a project, you can easily upload it to any half-decent site that allows HTML5 game uploads, itch.io and GameJolt being the obvious choices.
Direct them to the index.html, and the games should work just fine.
Please do let me know if they don't!
Which reminds me... I still haven't integrated it all into Browsercade, yet, have I..
I really do need to get around to that.
All alone in a field stands a cow, so lonely.
The pigs and the chickens and goats have disowned him.
He munches some grass and looks 'round for his friends,
They aren't there. .. (Where are they?)
He really isn't sure.
He's looking 'round the farm. He's looking in the mineshaft.
Where could all his friends be? I wonder if they're free.
Or have they all been captured, And trapped inside a maze.
When people come to look at them, they wander, lost, for days.
So he wanders around and he looks for the ducks.
Searching all of the pens and across at the lake.
There's no sign of the ducks at their regular haunts.
He listens for quacks. (There aren't any.)
He's starting to worry more.
He's looking 'round the farm. He's looking in the mineshaft.
Where could all his friends be? I wonder if they're free.
Or have they all been captured, And trapped inside a maze.
When people come to look at them, they wander, lost, for days.
And where is the farmer, she's usually here.
Wearing gloves and a hat and a lovely green coat.
There's nobody here, everybody is missing.
There's no flies. (They've all gone.)
Where has everybody gone?
He's looking 'round the farm. He's looking in the mineshaft.
Where could all his friends be? I wonder if they're free.
Or have they all been captured, And trapped inside a maze.
When people come to look at them, they wander, lost, for days.
The cow wanders into the barn for a rest,
As he's searched the whole farm, over grass and through mud.
There's silence in here, then the lights all switch on.
Happy Birthday! (They're here!)
It was all a surprise!
He's not looking, now. All his friends are all here.
From the bees to the rabbits, the donkeys and deer.
They hadn't been captured or trapped in a maze.
They just made him a cake for his hundreds of days.
They made him a cake with some grass he could graze.
"Cartoon Derek wearing an ill fitting Cow costume, on stage, pantomime, cinematic lighting, rendered in blender. Holding a sign that reads "Moo!"" by Replicate/Flux
Ext. Dave's Street - Morning
[Green walks down the street, mumbling to himself]
Green: [to self] Last time I let him order anything online. I should ban him from the internet. What was he thinking? A thousand keyboards! There'd better not be a fort once I arrive.
[Greenie passes Mrs Thompson, who's cleaning her car again]
Green: Morning Mrs Timpson.
Mrs Thompson: Oh, hello. Is Dave... stable today?
Green: As stable as he ever was.
Mrs Thompson: If I have to clean this car one more time, this week...
[Greenie continues walking, more mumbling]
Green: At least he's not damaging RCHomes any more. It might be selfish to think this, but it's kinda nice having Dave not be .. .. Within damage range! Poor Mrs Timpson.
[Approaches Dave's house, eyeing the Effervescent Engine warily]
Green: Please don't let there be any cornflakes today. Or statues. It's the first of the month. No white rabbits, please.
[Stops at Dave's door, staring at the Cola-bottle shaped doorbell]
Green: Wonder if he's teaching Lady Computer new tricks, or arguing with her about how not to cause a disaster.
[Takes deep breath]
Green: First of the month. New month, new Dave calamity. Maybe he's built that fort out of those keyboards by now. Or covered them all in Cola stickers...
[Reaches for doorbell]
Green: Here we go. No turning back.
[Presses doorbell, which makes the fizzy sound of a bottle being opened.
Green: Just once, I'd like to come over and find him doing something normal. Like watching TV, washing some dishes, making something to eat... or even coding. Just normal everyday things.
[Door opens revealing Dave wearing an enormous hat made of keyboard keys]
Dave: Greenie! Just in time!
Green: *sighs*
Dave: I've found an amazing use for all the spare keyboards!
[End credits roll]
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