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Y7 - D222 - Try, Try Again... Blog
10th August 2015


I think we can now safely say that SpikeDislike3's been a bit of a wet duck. I expected more from it, and I really did enjoy making it, but .. Meh, whatever.. It's hard to get noticed in this great big crazy world of ours.
I'd expect myself to be a little more disappointed by this scenario, but oddly I instead find myself thinking "OK, Now What!?"
I guess that doing AGameAWeek for so long has taught me that, whenever something doesn't work, there's still something else around the corner.

So, with my new-found happy-go-lucky "Failure isn't failure" mindset, I've decided to instead head back and revisit something that I swore I would never, ever, EVER revisit..


Yesterday, I took an alarming amount of time refining my sprite blurring technique. It must've taken about 2 or 3 hours of number-tweaking before I was happy with the output.
They've ended up looking quite nice, and the effect works just as well in Multiply Blend as it does in Additive Blend. (Multiply Blending seems curiously slow on Android devices.. I'm still not sure why!)

And so, I'm starting work on NeonPlat Adventures 2.

I'm going to try my best to come up with decent looking world themes, this time, and I still haven't 100% decided on a nice replacement for the calendar system, but the ChuckABall "Circles of 10" thing seems to be a nice starting place.
I'll try to include all of the original enemy characters, and perhaps a few extras along the way.

There's a lot of things to be put into place before I'm happy with the game, so expect this project to last a good month or so, assuming I keep at it!
I will, of course, continue to blog daily, so there'll be oodles of fun pics and things along the way.

Wish me luck!!


Daily Doodle : A Quiet Day

Platdude isn't getting ANY visitors, at the Sea Park, today.
That's Mondays for you.. Always a quiet day.

Mailbag : Empty

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (please do!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Y7 - D222 - Try, Try Again... - AGameAWeek