Coming Monday.. Something something cow words mining pickaxe.
Unless I come up with a better name than that.
It's a mining word game! Mine your way down the shaft, scoring as you go.
There'll be a 3-stars per word bonus, I think. 2 seconds, 4 seconds, 6 seconds? Something like that.
Score super-fast for 3 stars, and reach the bottom of the mineshaft with as many stars as you can.
In 10-word mode, you'll have to score as many stars as you can.
In Endless mode, you'll probably have 3 lives I think? Not sure.. Haven't decided on that bit yet.
But this is roughly what Monday's game will be.
I'm using the same little cow, but he's been upscaled to *gasp* 64x64 pixels!!! Gosh.
I now need to animate him, which is a lot harder than I was expecting because he has to dig downwards, so I need to maybe flip him over or make him jump or something?! I dunno how people animate things!
I also need to make the animation fast, since the game itself is supposed to be moving fast and furiously.
It's going to feel a bit odd amongst the rest of the Shoebox Word games, I think.
I know people aren't keen on fast-paced word games, but this one's not too evil.
I hope..
I now need to be certain of how well the word selection is, and whether the gameplay rule will be "Type A" or "Type B"
I have a feeling I should probably make both options available, but how fast I can get the gameplay to work (and/or the word selection to select words that work in those modes) will be the deciding factor.
Back to work, Jay!!
A.I. Corner
Lyrics : By me, based on the words from the image above!
I'm really quite annoyed that I wrote "smash" instead of "smashed", and didn't notice until I'd generated half-a-dozen versions. D'oh!
Ignore that bit!
Why, Mister Cow, with your pickaxe are you standing on the words?
(It's a pile of words, it's very high)
I thought that your job was to mine all the things you could find.
(Down below inside the mine, underground)
Now you're up in the air standing on a pile of letters,
I don't know why you're there. Are you searching for a lettuce,
In the sky, very high, all the way at the top.
Of the giant pile of letters, oh I hope you don't drop.
Hey, Mister Cow, have you sharpened up your pickaxe lately?
(It must be rather blunt, you've mined a lot)
I wonder if you're ready to be breaking all the letters with it.
(A little sharpening, to mine the rest)
Heading up to the top with your pickaxe aloft,
You'll smash the letters below until you're back on the ground,
And then head back to the top to smash another pile,
Until you're happy that the letters are smash. (smash)
Will you somehow sell the letters for cash? (cash)
Or is that all that you're gonna do with your pickaxe. (axe)
Circular Arguments
Int. Dave's Living Room - Evening
[Dave and Green are wiping down walls. Dave is using a red cloth with frustrated determination, while Green's blue cloth seems to be working perfectly]
Green: Why am I not surprised that I'm spending Valentine's Day stuck in your house, cleaning bubble-based circles off your walls?
Dave: You have as much of a love life as I do, Greenie...
Green: That's no excuse. I should be off spending a romantic evening with a special someone, not scrubbing your house down.
[Dave scrubs harder at a particularly stubborn mark]
Dave: How are you doing that?
Green: Doing what?
Dave: Making it look so easy! Look at your section. It's pristine. Mine looks like I'm painting the circles onto the wall myself!
Green: It's just basic cleaning, Dave.
Dave: It's because I'm using the red rag, isn't it. I knew this was the wrong one. This is probably meant for wiping crumbs off a table or something.
Green: That's not how cleaning works, Dave.
[Dave pulls out his phone and starts googling]
Dave: According to CleaningTipsForGeeks..
Green: Here we go.
Dave: -the colour coding system clearly states that red is for .. high-risk areas?
Green: This isn't a hospital, Dave.
Dave: I'm not sure how high-risk bubbles are. Lady Computer, what's a high risk bubble?
[Lady Computer displays a circle onscreen]
Dave: See?..
Green: What? It's a circle, Dave. She literally just drew a circle.
Dave: Yeah, but it's a high risk bubble.
Green: How does that help anything? Just scrub harder.
Dave: But if I scrub too hard with the wrong rag, then the rag might disintegrate as I'm scrubbing, and then I'll need a new rag.
[Dave starts cleaning in elaborate spiral patterns]
Green: What are you doing now?
Dave: Applying fractal theory to wall cleaning!
Green: *sigh* Happy Valentine's Day to me...
[End Credits as Dave starts cleaning in a heart-shaped cleaning pattern]
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