I'm not sure why, but my search tool isn't picking up that Theater and Theatre are anagrams.
I know one's the American and the other is the British spelling, but both should be acceptable in the game.
But why's one showing up, when the other isn't?
And.. Ultimately, does it really matter?
I mean, at the end of the day, they're the same word, and you're not having to truly spell the words in this game.
.. Or are you?
I've still not 100% decided on the mechanics of it yet.
But, yeah, yesterday I spent about 2 or 3 hours trying to get that Theater and Theatre thing to work. And it just didn't, no matter how I tried.
And I know it seems silly to focus on one word like that, but if my word-list-finder is stumbling on one word "that I've noticed", then what else is it missing?
That's the bit that worries me.
It's managed to find over 1,700 words to fit this game, but I'm worried that there might be more compatible words that it isn't finding in the giant wordlist of Shoebox.
I'll probably have another tweak at it tomorrow, but I really should try to get the actual gameplay working, at this point, too.
And, of course, I also need to start planning for the month's Patreon First game, because I haven't any ideas what that game's going to be.
Will our month's "Started as a poetry image" Cow Miner sprite make another appearance?
Who knows!!!
Stay tuned to find out!!
[verse - freeflow]
It's time for our cow to show his face again.
Coming out strong from the mineshaft, holding a pickaxe over his head.
He's the strongest cow in town, smashing boxes all around,
But perhaps he'll take it easy at the weekends.
Stop the mining, and go out with all his cow friends.
To the place where all the chickens lay their eggs,
And to the sty where all the pigs are rolling round in mud.
The cow will meet with all of them.
The farmyard's full of family.
And everyone will gather round to hear the tales of underground,
Where the mining cow had gathered up some coins,
So that he could pay for dinner.
Everybody's hanging in the farmyard.
Having fun, they're gonna play hard.
Grabbing drinks with all their mates,
And disco dancing round the gates.
Little lambs are running round,
Goats and chickens sing aloud,
Heavy beats come from the barn.
The farmer's joining with the clan.
The cow steps up and takes the floor,
He's Body-popping there once more.
Disco lights are flashing bright,
As ducks are grooving left and right.
A dog is barking out the beat,
While horses shuffle on their feet.
The farmer brings a bale of hay,
A makeshift stage where cows can play.
Our mining cow, with pickaxe rage,
Strums it like he's on a stage.
The farmyard roars, they cheer and shout,
This is what farming's all about!
[Chorus - repeat with energy!]
Everybody's hanging in the farmyard.
Having fun, they're gonna play hard.
Grabbing drinks with all their mates,
And disco dancing round the gates.
Little lambs are running round,
Goats and chickens sing aloud,
Heavy beats come from the barn.
The farmer's joining with the clan.
And as the night fades into dawn,
The farmyard party’s still going strong.
The mining cow looks to the sky,
He knows it’s almost morning time.
With one last spin, a final cheer,
He waves goodbye, "I'll see you here!"
Back to the mines, back underground,
But next weekend, he's back in town!
[Chorus - repeat with energy!]
Everybody's hanging in the farmyard.
Having fun, they're gonna play hard.
Grabbing drinks with all their mates,
And disco dancing round the gates.
Little lambs are running round,
Goats and chickens sing aloud,
Heavy beats come from the barn.
The farmer's joining with the clan.
[Green walks in to find Dave has fitted a new shelving unit in the dining room. Each shelf is labeled with both a color and a texture. Dave is sorting cleaning rags while consulting his spreadsheet.]
Green: Can't say I'm entirely surprised.
Dave: Organised cleaning! Look, I've got it all worked out. Red is for high-risk surfaces, just like the website said.
Green: Is that high-risk bubbles or squares?
Dave: Don't be silly, Greenie.
Green: Sorry.
Dave: The clothes are already in the shapes you need.
Green: Obviously.
[Dave holds up various cloths]
Dave: Soft blue for monitors - learned that from when I scratched my old monitor. Hard yellow for surfaces that need scrubbing, like that mouldy fridge incident.
Green: You know that the colour isn't the deciding factor, right?
Dave: The bubbles taught me something about organisation!
Green: Did they, though?
Dave: The shelf spacers are essential. You can't just put things anywhere. They need proper placement.
Green: This feels alarmingly familiar...
Dave: Oh! And I've left this special section for cat-related cleaning supplies!
Green: You don't have a cat anymore, Dave.
Dave: Never underestimate the requirement to clean up after a cat.
[Dave continues arranging the shelves]
Green: And does that include a section to store kitty litter?
Dave: Does it look like it has space for a large bag like that? No. I keep that in the cupboard under the sink.
Green: You don't even have a cat, Dave.
Dave: You never know when strays might appear. They poop everywhere.
Green: Have you had a bad experience with a cat?
Dave: Have you had a *good* experience with a cat?
Green: Yes. ..
Dave: Now, help me decide - should "slightly damp" be a separate category from "properly wet"?
Green: I'm going home.
Dave: But what about the bubble marks?
Green: They're starting to look better than... [waves at layers of shelves] this.
[End Credits roll]
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