Yesterday was one of the "free days" that I've set aside during my new schedule. Tuesday and Wednesday used to be the days that I would work on Music, but this year I've opted to .. Not do that..
Mostly because I've got TONS of little things I want to catch up on, side-project wise, but also so that I can try learning a few new things, this year, and try out new techniques and methodology.
.. Not that I've done that yet..
Yesterday, then, I spent a bit of time on the two games I'm currently working on. The Shoebox card stacker, and the JSE/Patreon game which.. um..
... I'll be honest, there's not much stacking going on in that one, yet!
But, it's kinda fun to play, so that's ok
The other thing I did, then, was trying to figure out VR in the browser again.
I asked Bing-Chat, I asked ChatGPT, I asked Claude, and I asked DeepSeek, and they all gave me examples that were based on v1.3.0 or v1.4.0 of AFrame, whilst the current version of AFrame is up to v1.7.0
I'm not adverse to figuring things out as I go, but I figured it's probably not a great idea to start on old information.
So, I tried something new. Instead of asking for an example, and hoping I can hack the thing into place, I tried asking if it could write me a tutorial.
It fed me a lengthy enough waffle, and I guess this is roughly the methodology I'm going to be experimenting with.
It's up to v1.6.0, which is decidedly better than the other options I'd been given, so maybe it's a nice starting point to make something from.
It's been about 2.5 years or so since I started work on SpikeDislike VR, and I've got about 0.0005% finished since then.
I really do need to learn this stuff, and it sure would be nice if I could reuse those techniques to make more interesting possible-even-3D games..
LOL, as if!!!
So. Yeah, learning. That's what I have to do, here. Proper learning, figuring things out, and maybe managing to make something playable, this time around.
Who knows where this will lead.
(My guess, this will lead to me getting sidetracked and doing more optimising in JSE because I still can't wrap my head around 3D!)
I'm gonna try again
to learn the proper way
to make a game in three dee
(three dee yeah)
I guess I'm probably
Gonna wimp out. (wimp out)
'Cos my three dee skills are nowt.
And if I can't even draw a little cube on the screen,
Well then I guess we probably know what that means.
I can't do three-dee (can't do three-dee)
I can't make a game wrapped 'round your head.
No I can't do three-dee (can't do three-dee)
So I'll probably make a two-dee game instead.
With a flat plain viewport sitting on a flat screen,
Doing nothing magical, and being very two-dee.
Sure I guess that's retro, but it would be nice to know,
How to do a game in full three-dee.
But it's just not meant for me.
(three-dee's not meant for me)
No three-dee for me.
Not me
I'm gonna try again
to learn the proper way
to build a little world
(to maybe keep the player thrilled.)
And I'll try to make it
all really playable. (oh yeah)
'cos my art style's not that great.
If I can't even draw a little cube on the screen,
Well then I guess we probably know what that means.
I can't do three-dee (can't do three-dee)
I can't make a game wrapped 'round your head.
No I can't do three-dee (can't do three-dee)
So I'll probably make a two-dee game instead.
three-dee's not meant for me (not meant for me)
three-dee's not meant for me (not meant for me)
three-dee's not meant for me (not meant for me)
three-dee's not meant for me (not meant for me)
Int. Dave's Front Garden - Morning
[Dave is wearing a builders hat, and struggling with steel girders and wooden barrels. Green arrives with coffee]
Dave: Perfect timing! Go put your gorilla outfit on.
Green: I am NOT being Donkey Kong.
Dave: But the review needs authenticity! Look, I've got the girders all set up!
Green: Are those the scaffolding poles from the neighbour's extension.
Dave: Same thing! And these authentic wooden barrels-
Green: The wheelie bins?
Dave: Seven barrels out of two possible princesses!
Green: You know the score is supposed to be equal or lower to the total, right?
Dave: But look, I've worked out the angles! If you stand up there and roll the bins down.
Green: Have you actually written any of the review yet?
Dave: "Graphics: Occur in levels. Sound: Italian plumber noises. Gameplay: Gravity-assisted barrel avoidance."
Green: I think you missed the burning oil.
Dave: It needs visual aids! That's why I borrowed the builder's hard hat.
Green: Borrowed?
Dave: Temporarily relocated. For authenticity! Onto my head.
Green: The neighbours are going to notice their scaffolding's missing.
Dave: It's fine, I already talked to Steve about it. He says it's fine.
Green: What happened to just taking screenshots?
Dave: Screenshots don't capture the existential dread of barrel-dodging!
Green: Neither will A&E photos.
Dave: We need to present the thrill of the action.
Green: You could try... playing the actual game? And then writing about the game?
Dave: But then how will people know what it feels like to BE Donkey Kong?
Green: They're not meant to! It's a review! And anyway, you're supposed to be Mario, not Donkey Kong.
Dave: "Authenticity rating: Seven angry neighbours out of two missing scaffolding poles."
Green: I'm calling the builders.
Dave: Wait! We haven't even got to the hammer power-up yet!
[End Credits roll]
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