The next game I'm working on is still missing Stacks.
I'm starting to think it might be a good idea to scrap it and just go with something completely different. Not because I don't like the game, but because the only way I can think to add a stack would impact the overall speed of the game, and right now the speed of the game is what's keeping it interesting.
So, maybe put this on hold, and come up with something entirely dissimilar.
All change!!
The gameplay is currently as-such.
You'd fly around, there's slow meteors falling to the ground, you'd rush down and grab a stack of rockets, fly up and fire them at the meteors.
But the faster the player controls, the faster the meteors have to be to keep things moving.
.. And the faster the meteors fall, the more frantic you have to be to grab the stacks of rockets..
... .. And the faster you have to be to do that, the less control of Platdude you have in the air.
Vice versa, if you slow everything down so it's controllable, but also playable, then it gets quite quite boring.
Also, is that all the Stack is..? Just a stack of rockets?
That wasn't really the point of Stacks, now, was it?
OK, so scrap that.
I've got 2 more Mondays to fill. The upcoming Monday's game is about 90% ready to go and should be easily finishable in a few short minutes. Or an hour.. or something.
But there's 2 Mondays left in the month.
What to do..?
Any stack suggestions, post 'em in the comments, or the Discord.
Up, up, up
The stack goes Up, up, up.
Up, up, up,
You've got to keep on building, going..
Up, up, up
Towards the top of the tower.
Up, up, up
You're stacking every hour.
Up, Up, Up.
Up! (Up!)
Block by block (block) Every step (block)
Build it up (block) To the top (block)
One by one (block) Inch by inch (block)
Higher higher (block) Never stop (block)
Up, up, up
The stack goes Up, up, up.
Up, up, up,
You've got to keep on building, going..
Up, up, up
Towards the top of the tower.
Up, up, up
You're stacking every hour.
Up, Up, Up.
Up! (Up!)
Stack it left (block) Wobble right (block)
Keep it steady (block) Hold it tight (block)
Reach up high (block) Don't look down (block)
Stacking high (block) Stack around (block)
Up, up, up
The stack goes Up, up, up.
Up, up, up,
You've got to keep on building, going..
Up, up, up
Towards the top of the tower.
Up, up, up
You're stacking every hour.
Int. Dave's Back Garden - Morning
[Dave stands proudly next to a large green tube structure made of garden waste bins stuck together. Green arrives with his usual morning coffee]
Green: Super Mario, today, Dave?
Dave: Nope.
Green: Sonic?
Dave: Wrong again!
Green: Please tell me this isn't another Pong thing.
Dave: This, my friend, is an authentic recreation of the infamous ET holes!
Green: The what now?
Dave: For my review of Atari 2600 ET! "Graphics: Brown. Also green. Gameplay: Fall in hole. Exit hole. Repeat." Seven holes out of two possible Reese's Pieces!
Green: I'm not sure Atari 2600 ET is worth Seven. ... And where did you get all the recycling bins from?
Dave: They're all mine?
Green: No, they're not. They're clearly marked "Property of Council. Do Not Move."
Dave: I've worked out the exact dimensions of despair!
Green: The what?
Dave: When ET falls in, you need to calculate the precise emotional impact of getting stuck.
Green: You could just write "This game is bad."
Dave: But then how will readers understand the sheer existential horror of floating inside a pit?
Green: I think you're overthinking this.
Dave: Watch! When I climb in-
Green: If you get stuck in those bins, I'm not calling the fire brigade.
Dave: "Authenticity rating: Seven bits of garbage out of two possible escape routes!"
Green: Seriously, Dave. Screenshots will do.
Dave: Screenshots don't capture the crushing despair of being trapped in poorly programmed collision detection!
Green: Neither will the local newspaper headline "Man rescued from bin tower."
[End Credits roll as Dave tries to explain to the council's waste management team why their bins are glued together]
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