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Y7 - D266 - Repairing Games Blog
23rd September 2015


So, with all my games now missing from OUYA, it's time to start popping them all back on again.
One by one, I'm opening old code, fixing up any issues, and getting the games updated to the newer framework.
The new controller code is a piece of piss, since I did all that work in the Monkey Target part of Monkey. Essentially, I need only hit the recompile button, and the new controller code magically fits itself into the game.

The tricky part is adding a "Quit Game" menu item to the game's main menu, as not all the games work in the same way.
A standard "Button at the front of the menu" will be easy enough, assuming I stuck to the standard menu style, but games like Alpha Collexion, SpikeDislike2/3 and the current project NeonPlat Adventures 2, all have vastly different menus, with no obvious places to include an easily accessible (using just a controller!) Quit button.
There's going to be a lot of improvising, I imagine!

Oh, also, I uploaded Alien Spindome to OUYA, but stupidly named it Alien Deathmatch by mistake.. D'oh! A sign, perhaps!?
I had to email TeamOUYA and ask them to hack their own database, to fix that one.
I'll need to be much more careful in the future. Don't want to be nagging them for help every other game.

With the first two games uploaded (Alpha Collextion and Alien Deathmatch) I'm going to have to wait for "Fail/Success" in the review department before I can ramp things up to full speed. Meanwhile, I'm tackling BlastTrax today, which has a different bloomin' menu.



Daily Doodle : Undergound is Dangerous

Platdude's making his way through the caverns beneath the city.
Beware, and take something pointy!

Mailbag : Empty

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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