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Y7 - D295 - A Quick Test... Blog
22nd October 2015


"A Quick Test", I said to myself.
"Should only take a few minutes", I thought.

Two hours later, with no result whatsoever, I opted to call it a night, and instead focussed on Beta Collexion.
What was it I wanted to test?
Android, Hopefully compatible with None-OUYA devices, controller code.
First, I needed to test on OUYA itself, so I grabbed the controller, hit the on button, and switched over to HDMI-2.
And waited.
.. and waited...
.... and waited...

Oddly, the OUYA wasn't doing anything.
I checked all the wires, tested all the ports, and reset..
"OUYA!" went the audio.
.. But the picture didn't.
Oh, fucknuts.

No matter, I have other devices.
I switched on the GameStick, grabbed the OUYA controller and hit the Sync button.
.. and waited..
... and waited..
Oh dear god, WTF is wrong with my DevKits, today?

I tried the Forge..
I got the same damn result.. The OUYA and GameStick controllers were flashing away, hopeful to find a bluetooth connection..
But nothing.
Not a squiggle.

I think my house has decided that it doesn't like Bluetooth, or anything resembling it!
And so, to my last remaining useful Android device.
I grabbed the Archos Gamepad, and unplugged it. It flashed it's little lock-screen, and I grabbed my X360 pad, with it's little MicroSD connector.
Nothing.. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING would stop this from working. It has a WIRE.. When something's plugged in, it damn well works!!

I plugged the X360 pad into the Archos Gamepad, and .. The screen went blank.

I hit the power button.

Are you KIDDING me?! Why!? What reason!?!
It can't be the battery, it's been permanently connected..
Maybe I've OVERcharged it?
Is that a thing?1


At which point I put it back on it's little charger pedestal, put down the X360 controller, and resigned myself to the fact that.. tonight.. I wasn't going to be doing anything with multiplayer controllers..

Maybe next time..


Daily Doodle : A Secret Meeting

... Not sure what's going on, there..

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Not Disney

This site seems somewhat upset that the AGameAWeek collection isn't quite up to the greatness of AAA Disney titles.

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Blog - Y7 - D295 - A Quick Test... - AGameAWeek