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Arcade Block - November 2015 Blog
30th November 2015
Each month I receive the wonderful Arcade Block from
When you initially sign up, you give them a T-Shirt size, and every month you get a lovely Arcade related TShirt, along with a box full of odd pieces of tat.
Some of the tat is garbage, some of the tat looks nice on a shelf, and occasionally some of the tat is pure awesomeage!


Each month, I run through the tat, and give each item a score out of 10.
The score does NOT suggest whether the item is good or bad. Instead, I've opted to make the scores specific to the way in which the Arcade Block is marketed.
The "Arcade Block" is branded as a box full of "Arcade" related items, so each and every item is given a score based on how Arcadey it is.
If an game is renowned for being a Arcade Coin-Op classic, it gets a 10/10
If the game has only ever briefly been seen in Arcades, it scores about 7/10
If it's rarely ever been seen in an Arcade, it gets a lower 3/10
And if the game is nothing more than a generic home-console FPS thing, it'll get 0/10.. Because, really, those are NOT Arcade games!

Oddly, most Nintendo games also score a low low 0/10, or sometimes 1, if it's something like Donkey Kong.

It's an odd way to score it, but if you're sticking the name "Arcade Block" on the thing, then that's the way I'm going to score it!

If you'd like to read about previous NerdBlock and ArcadeBlock boxes that I've received, they're all in this Socoder Thread

November 2015

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1. TShirt - Yarn Yoshi.

That's a lovely TShirt.
Arcade Score : 0/10 - Yoshi's not an arcade game.

2. Another Pop figure

I swear, if you took all these Pop figures and lined them up, you'd be hard pressed to tell them apart.
This one looks damn near identical to the Saul Goodman one I got last year, but is apparently from the Uncharted franchise.
Not that you could tell.
Arcade Score : 0/10 - *shrugs*

3. A Key

.. A key..
It has a knight's helmet on it.
It's nice enough, but it's just a key, and I have no idea what game the key's supposed to be representing.
It's just a key.
The blurb on the card waffles on about needing a key, and not much else, so I still don't have a damned clue what it's supposed to be.
It's just a key.

Arcade Score : 0/10 - You don't get points for being confusing!

4. Angry Birds Mystery Figure

Whatever could it be?
It's a total mystery.
I'll have a look and see.
Oh, blimey, Gee.
An Angry Bird, and a Happy Duck
Arcade Score : 0/10 : No Arcade game, here..

5. Halo 5 Calendar

I got about 10 minutes into Halo 1, before going "Wait.. There's no AI-Bot Deathmatch?!?" and then heading back to Unreal Tournament Classic.
This is LITERALLY how far through the Halo franchise I've played.
I enjoyed the whole "I Love Bees" novelisation leading up to Halo 2, though. That was nicely done.
So, um, it's a calendar..
Arcade Score : 0/10 - Not an Arcade game..

6. Master Cork

A cork, with a Master Sword style design.
That's quite nice.
It'll be going to my Nephew, as do all Zelda related items.
Arcade Score : 0/10 - No Zelda in the Arcades..

Arcade Total : 0/60

A Nice round even figure.
Crackin' TShirt!
Views 37, Upvotes 3  
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
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Blog - Arcade Block - November 2015 - AGameAWeek