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Big Day Blog
26th May 2016


Back in January, I had a PIP Assessment, where they ruled me Fit for Work.


This for someone who can barely stand up for more than a couple of minutes without starting to wobble about the place, and who has MAJOR problems moving about outside due to my balance issues.
I complained, and things have slowly (very slowly) been moving forward.

Today is the date of my Tribunal.
I have to head into town and basically state my case in front of a few officials.
Given how broken I am, I'm hopeful that they'll listen and understand, but there's always the possibility that they won't.

It's probably going to be quite a struggle to emphasise the severity of the issues, and try to explain exactly how bad I am.
It doesn't help that I'm a ludicrously cheery person, who tends to do everything with a smile on his face! That doesn't go down too well when you're trying to tell people you're completely buggered up!!

Hey ho..

So, that's what I'm doing today.
And that's the reason I've opted to take the week off from AGameAWeek.
Mentally, I'm FAR too focussed on this thing to really concentrate on making a game.

Hopefully everything goes well.

Apparently they give you the decision there and then, so with any luck I'll be able to post the result here, later (or maybe in tomorrow's blog)


A long day ahead.

Really not looking forward to this.

Daily Doodle : Grand Theft Chaos

Platdude's after another gem. Will he get it?

Incidentally, I had to tweak my "Render larger sized images" tool, this morning, as this is image #512, and I only made the array 512 objects in length! Silly me!!
Although, to be fair, I honestly didn't think I'd make it past 100, never mind 512 of these things.


Today's mail comes from

I'm trying to think straight.
But it isn't that easy.
A trip into Bolton.
It makes me feel queazy.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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