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Organising Blog
5th July 2016


Yesterday, I put my OUYA into the drawer of inevitable forgotteness.

It was shame to see it go, but it's time.
OUYA is gone, long live the Razer Forge TV Cortex, with it's long lengthy name that takes up half the space of my tweets.

You might also spot the GameStick in there, too.
I now have the Razer Forge TV Cortex Thing connected to the downstairs telly and the PlayJam Flare connected to my bedroom telly.
I also stripped out the Wii from my bedroom VGSystem collection, replacing it with the WiiU from downstairs.
The downstairs TV setup is now just TV, Apple TV, Razer and PS3. And if I'm honest, the PS3 only ever gets used as a DVD player, nowadays!

Basically, yesterday was spent reorganising my tech, as Thursday we're getting a new living room carpet, so as you can imagine that means a whole lot of moving of tech.
There's still an alarming amount of wires lying behind the TV cabinet, and frankly I haven't got a clue what half of them are!

Pretty sure these things just multiply when left alone.

Daily Doodle : Crikey!

Platdude runs away from the mysteriously sudden weather phenomenon.
He doesn't want to visit Oz!


I've put you away.
You're now in my drawers.
I hope that you're comfy,
You'll be there for years.


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